Because Of Love


Talia curled up on the couch at Rafe’s city condo, right in the heart of Rome. She knew she was being difficult demanding for it but, he’d told her once that the condo was one of his sanctuaries, and since she wasn’t feeling like puking up her guts in the perfect combination of morning sickness and see sickness, she chose stable ground. And the petty girl in her wanted to take it away from him. First, he’d moved himself into her apartment, then into her new home with false promises of a future. It was only fair.

Thoughts of her Tudor home, felt like a thorn in her heart. She’d loved that house, no one knew that better than he did. She always felt safe in her home and he’d destroyed that by drugging her, leaving the main door wide open and her vulnerable to any psycho that might walk in off the street and do whatever they wished to her comatose body.

If Carrie hadn’t come when she did…

A shiver of fear ran through her, just thinking of the ‘what ifs’. Her life and her babies’ lives… God she was grateful for her best friend.

After she woke up and the doctor told her about the drugs in her system and how close they’d come to destroying two lives, she’d called Rafe. He was already in Italy. He wanted nothing to do with a ‘lying gold digging whore’.

Remembering that short conversation still made her heart ache, but at least she wasn’t crying anymore. She’d stopped crying when she found out about his upcoming nuptials and then she came up with this brilliant plan for retribution.

She looked around the space, filled with bold masculine colors, decor and furniture, and felt so alone. She moved to the floor to ceiling window that provided a fantastic view of Rome at night and thought, how many women has Rafe seduced here?

Talia laughed at herself. It was a stupid and very depressing thing to think about but she couldn’t help it. Even when he was insulting her just a few hours ago, after she’d interrupted his wedding, she still loved him.

Gosh was she pathetic!

She felt her throat burn and her vision blur. He was going to marry another woman. He’d been seconds away from committing his life to another woman. No, not another woman. His fiancé for years- I was the other woman. And now, I’m the pregnant, discarded mistress!

Too sad to be alone, Talia reached for the phone and dialed.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.


She didn’t understand why, but the sound of Carrie’s voice made her cry, hard.

“Talia, is that you?”

Talia nodded-her crying made it impossible to speak.

“Oh, honey, it’s okay. Do you want me to come?”

Talia shook her head no.

“Honey, I can’t see you shake or nod your head. You’re going to have to stop crying and use your words. Do you want me to come?”

“No…yes!” She cried harder. “He was getting married today, Carrie. To a woman he’d been engaged to for years! I’m the other woman!”

“Shhh, it’s okay. Lucky for you I’m already at the airport. I know you wanted to do this on your own, but, Talia, you’re not on your own. I’m your best friend, and I’ll always stick by you.”

Talia nodded again, and Carrie laughed. “Speak up, Talia.”

Talia chuckled, wiping her face dry. “I’ll pick you up from the airport.”

“How? Do you have a car?”

She began shaking her head when she remembered Carrie couldn’t see her. “No. Rafe provided me with one for the time being. His lawyer said we’d talk on Monday. We’re taking the weekend to calm down before we discuss my demands.”

Her revelation was met by silence. For a moment, Talia thought Carrie had hang up until she spoke. “Wow! Okay, I’m about to board. Why don’t you go to sleep? I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay. Thanks, Carrie. I know I said I wanted to do this on my own but I really need you.”

“I know. Goodnight, sweetheart.”


Talia looked around the room again and sighed. She wasn’t sure if she should be touch anything in Rafe’s condo. Just thinking about sleeping in his bed gave her goose bumps.

But when would she ever get a chance to feel him against her skin again or breathe in his scent without feeling guilty? For betraying herself for being so easily forgiving. Because if he were to knock on her door that very moment and beg for her forgiveness she would give it-with open arms. She was stupid that way.

She sighed heavily. Her self-respect had moved out and wasn’t showing any signs of moving back in anytime soon.

When would she learn her mother’s one lesson? Loving a man made a woman weak!

Talia slowly stood up from where she sat by the window and made her way to the master bedroom. She stared at the king size bed for a long while before she climbed in.

Just once, for just one night she wanted to dream about Rafe and the illusions she had about him before reality came crushing down on her.

She took a pillow and pressed it to her face, breathing in Rafe’s scent before she slowly slipped into sleep.

* * * *

Rafe forcefully tugged loose his bowtie as he stomped into his father’s mansion. He’d been a rare visitor for the past three months. Preferring to live in his condo, wallow in his sorrows, and pull himself together before his wedding day.

Today! And Talia had to ruin that, and now she’s in my condo sleeping in my bed!

He knew he should feel angry about that last part but he’d missed her. And as wrong as he knew it was to even think it, but once she’d left to go back to where she came from, he was going to sleep in that bed one last time and feel her against his skin, take in her scent, before he set the bed on fire.

She’s pregnant…merde!

He felt his heart crush in his chest, and he had to stop walking to catch his breath. He never knew it would hurt so much to see her pregnant with another man’s child.

That should be his baby, he should have been its father not god knows who! They should be at home, in the dream home he’d built for his family in the Italian country, sitting together on the couch. Or the master bedroom terrace of her home in the States, looking out at the beautiful view of green trees and rooftops, of the darkening sky meeting the dark blue ocean. He would have been rubbing her aching back, her swollen ankles as they fought about names and which sport their son should play…

That should have been my baby!

He swung his hand, sending a vase crushing to the ceramic floor.

“Rafael! What in the world are you doing?”

“Where is he?” he demanded of his mother, taking the steps three at a time to reach the first floor. His mother came chasing after him as he charged to his brother’s room. “Renaldo, come out here!”

“Rafael, it is not his fault that…that whore seduced him!”

Rafe felt the punch as if the insult had been directed at him.

“Renaldo!” he yelled, pounding on his brother’s bedroom door. “Open this fucking door or I’ll break it down!”

“Rafael, stop! He’s not here!” his mother yelled, pulling at his arm.

He rounded on her, forcing her to take several steps back. “Dove è lui, where is he Mama? Tell me where that little brat is?”

Flustered his mother’s hand fluttered to her chest. “Rafael, per favore you are scaring me. Non capisco, I don’t understand all this rage towards your brother.”

“Lei non fa madre? Non?” He chuckled bitterly before he sneered, “He slept with my girlfriend! I loved Talia, she was the love of my life, my future and he ruined that. Everything I have he wants, then he ruins and I have to clean up his fucking mess!”

His mother went pale. “What are you saying? Are you saying that-”

“Si madre, the baby Talia carries may be his or his wretched friend’s…or mine.” He waved his hand dismissively. “That isn’t why I’m here. Something doesn’t add up in this entire affair and all I know for sure is that Renaldo is in the middle of it.”

His mother turned her back to him and Rafe knew an onslaught of emotional blackmail was about to be unleashed so he turned to leave, rushing down the steps only to be stopped by his father.

“Have you spoken to your fiancé?” he demanded, slowly moving towards Rafe like a cat stalking its prey. It was his way to intimidate him.

Rafe hadn’t been intimidated by his father since he got half a foot taller and bulkier than him. Not since he showed his father that he could hold his own in the business world, demanding his respect. Hell, Rafe didn’t need to stay at DeLuca but he did so out of respect and loyalty for the family legacy. The same respect he was showing his father by agreeing to carry on with the farce of a wedding even though he didn’t love Gabriella. The same he would show him that very moment by not demanding he left him the hell alone and tell him that his intimidation antics were better wasted on those who still quaked under them-like Renaldo.

The slivering coward! Renaldo thought he could run from Rafe, but not for long. He’d find his little brother and he’d get his answers even if he had to beat them out of him!

“Non. I will when I have everything sorted out.”

“Fix this, Rafael, because come hell or high water, you will be marrying Gabriella Rossi. So fix this before I do. Lei capisce?”

Oh, he understood all right!

Rafe’s first instinct was to forbid his father from going anywhere near Talia, but he kept his mouth shut instead and quickly left the mansion. He got into his Ferrari and drove to his other condo, which happened to be below the one Talia occupied.

How was he going to stay sane knowing she slept right above him? Hell, it will have to be the couch for a while.

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