Be My Wifey Or Lose Your Job

Chapter 29 That’s enough, don’t be naughty.


The blaring of the alarm pierced through Janelle’s ear. The sound was ear splitting.

She turned around and opened her eyes.

Geez. Is it morning again?.

She turned back only to discover it was empty.

There was no George.

She sighed and sat down.

She packed her loosed hair into a ponytail and slipped her legs inside her slippers then got up.

She went to the bathroom and did her stuff then came back out.

She went to her phone and went online to check the headline.

She dropped the phone when she finds all the news uninteresting.

Just as she made to turn back, the door opened and George stepped in.

“Hi”he breathed out.

“And, Hi”she replied moving to the wardrobe.

He came to stand behind her.

“You just woke up?”

“Where did you go?”she asked him instead.

“I went for a jog.”

“A jog?”she scoffed.

“Oh, I see”she added pulling out a blue dress.

She turned to him to see him gazing at her.

“Good morning”she smiled and went to place the dress on the bed.

“You don’t trust me anymore, Janelle”he says.

“I don’t?. How did you know?. Anyways, I have a trial this morning also. Oh, and it’s going to be an hectic one. The accused should just plead guilty already and save me all these stress”

She tried walking past him but he dragged her back, tho, gently but in a way her chest was pressed against his.

He stared into her eyes for a long time.

“Alright…. you are hurting me…”

He released her and turned away.

“I’m sorry”he apologized.

He went to the table and grabbed a drug.

He poured it out on his hand and poured it in his mouth.

He grabbed the water bottle, uncapped it and took some gulps.

All this while, Janelle was watching him.

She recognized the drug to be the one she threw away some months ago.

Thought she told him not to use it again so….

He spun around and raised a brow at her.

“What’s with the drugs?”

“It.. just kind calm my nerves. Anytime I’m troubled it…”

She walked closer to him.

“That’s bullshit, George. You can’t even look into my eyes to tell me that.”

He suddenly glanced at his wristwatch.

“I thought you said you have a trial. Check the time”

She frowned at him.

“You are hiding something, George. You are.”she said and took the drug..

“Since you won’t tell me, I’m gonna check myself”she said and poured some on her hands.

“What?, no!”he panicked, collecting the drug from her and poured the one on her palm away.

“What… what did you think you’re doing?”He asked.

He stepped closer to her and brushed her hair back.

“I’m sorry, Jan.”he pulled her in a hug.

Everything about him seems weird!* Janelle thought.


Diana moved out of her apartment and was surprised to find Ren at her porch.

She ignored him and turned to lock the door.

She turned back and walked past him.

He ran after her.

“Come on, Diana. I said I’m sorry!”

She didn’t reply.

“Diana!”he yelled

“I said I’m sorry!”

She stopped walking and turned to him.

“Sorry for what exactly?. For making me seems like a fool?, by telling me indirectly I’m no good for you by looking at the stripper, by telling me the stripper was more important than me when I left and you didn’t come after me?, by making it seems like I’m the only one that want to get marry?, by?….”she paused to fight back her tears.

No, she won’t.

She won’t cry in front of him.

Ren moved towards her and grabbed her hand

“You and I know my pasts. All they feels different but then I swear all this while, I’ve been faithful to you all along. The feeling is still there and anytime your name pops into my head, I immediately get rid of the.. the thoughts. That’s just how much I red you!”he let’s out.

“Yeah, you red me!”she gave a laugh full of sarcasm.

“No, Diana. Don’t take it wrong. The color of the heart is red and by saying I red you I mean I love you!. I will forever will!”

And Diana’s heart melted.


“And here we are. Thanks for the ride.”Janelle said and tried to open the door.

“Come on. Do what a woman will do to her male lover”George smiled.

“Huh?, like what?”

“Oh, you still have a lot to learn, wifey. Kiss, that’s what that means”

“Eish, come on.. your driver is here…”

“Really?, where?. I don’t see anyone here except you, sweetie. You are all I can see or is there any other person here?”

“Absolutely not sir”the driver responded with a smile.

He just loves the couples so much .

“Alright… just a kiss”she scoffed and leaned on him.

When he thought she was going to kiss him, she did otherwise.

She kissed his neck. Traces of her lipstick showed on his neck.

She looked at it and gave a smug smile.

“Yeah. When those slim pretty girls see this, they will know you are taken by one lucky prosecutor…”she looked up at him.

“My lips too”he grinned pointing at his all pink lips.

“Well… should I?”she asked.

“Of course”he beamed.

She moved her mouth to his and brushed her lips against his.

“Good bye, hubby. That’s enough. Don’t be so naughty.”

And she moved back.

“So unfair”he pouted.

“Bye”she got down.

“Take care of yourself”he smiled.


George entered his office and Betty came right in immediately.

“Welcome sir”she greeted.

He nodded and took his seat.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Is everything ready for the meeting?”

“Yes sir. It’s ready. Glad you are here. We’ve came them waiting for too long”

He scoffed and stood up.

“Sir?”she suddenly called.


“You have a lipstick on your neck”

“Hm?, how?”he asked.

She moved closer to him and gave him her phone. She already out on the camera.

George collected It and when he saw it, he smiled remembering Janelle kissed him on that side and oh, that was why she said that.

He returned the phone to her.

“I will get you a cloth to clean it”

“No. It’s okay. Let’s go”

“But won’t the people think otherwise?”

“Otherwise as how?. They all know I’m married so what’s the big deal there for me to have my wife’s lipstick imprinted on my neck?”he questioned and moved out.

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