Bad Boy Isn’t My Type

Chapter 29

My mouth opened up in shock. Hah!

My body felt numb in a instant, refusing to believe in such a cruel and unfair words that easily came out of his mouth.

” Wha- what did you say!!!” A droplet of salty water ran through my cheek.

“How dare…… you!!!! How can-” I bit my lip not to cry out loud.

” How can you judge my character like that… I… I… I “.

Tears continued to flow through me continuously making me difficult to speak. I was deeply hurt and hating that I had to justify myself to him.

” I…… I…… I am not…… I am not-” I tried to not to cry out loud but the tears were getting out of control. I clutched my shirt, looking sideways to control myself but I was miserably failing in it.

This was the most cruellest words I have ever heard from him, in fact from anyone.

” You think money is all that matters for us? I am not a gold digger” I finally cried out, I couldn’t see him, blinded by my tears.

This was not at all fair, I never did anything in my life, dedicated my whole teen for Hunsberg University just for the better future, for my family. I never asked for anything or demanded then why does God treat me unfair.

” I… I… am also a human with feelings, I never broke rules, I never demanded things like other girls in my school used to…… why does God treat me like that, why is he unfair to me!! ”

I felt somebody’s hands wrapped around me pulling in their embrace.

I hit his chest continuously blinded by my tears.” How can you say such cruel thing to me!!”

I cried heavily ducking my head on his chest, gripping his shirt.

I was crying for minutes but soon I realised that I was in Vincent’s embrace for very long time.

He had wrapped his arms around mine, his lips on my head, he was caressing my back and cradling me.

To my surprise, it was working, I was calming down in his embrace, I felt like to stay there, just for a while, forgetting everything.

Our body was so close that I could hear his heart beating rapidly. I stopped crying only hiccups coming out, but still Vincent didn’t let me go.

This was wrong, I shouldn’t feel like this, he is my bully and he had no mercy. I quickly pulled myself from him, and looked at him through my wet lashes.

His eyes became watery, like he was hurt seeing me cry. No! It can’t be?

Did he cry?? But I didn’t hear a sound from him.

Maybe dust have fallen in his eyes?

Yeah! Why would he cry for me…… it’s must be the dust……

Vincent averted his gaze and faced opposite as he realised that I was staring at his eyes for that time.

He clenched his jaw, so tight that I could see his muscles twitching. ” Watch it when you talk to me kid. I won’t hesitate to break you next time I meet you”

He walked away furiously not even turning back, I kept watching him increasing his pace, getting out of the basement.

My whole mood was off today. I couldn’t concentrate on the classes, I was fed up with this city, people around here.

I was treated like a trash here. I should have stayed in my village, why couldn’t poor people like us live in peace, have a comfort life. Why were we discriminated just because of less money.

My class got over very quickly, and I was walking out of the department when I saw somebody waved at me.

” Oh hey!!! Jennie over here!!!!!!” Harper waved at me and I smiled at her walking towards them.

” Why do you look so dull, are you all right Jennie?” Rose pouted cuddling me.

” Yeah I am fine, it just the leg hurts while walking” I lied.

” Oh ok.”

Emma looked unsatisfied with my answer, like she knew what was wrong with me, she gave me a confront smile.

” Since all of your classes got over, why don’t we go to my house and cook something? I am bored eating daily in canteen, we will hang out what say!??” Emma chirped.

” Yeah!!!!! Let’s gooooo” Rose chirped pulling me out.

” What no! I am not coming!!!” I freaked out, because I knew whose exactly the house was.

” Oh come on! We don’t meet most of the time, whenever we see you, you either will be sleeping or in some bad mood. You are acting dull lately and I feel guilty not able to reach you, so shut up and come with us” Harper barked at me.

Harper and Rose started dragging me out of the canteen and made me sit on the Emma’s car despite my protest. I heaved a sigh, looking at the streets while Emma was driving. All were talking, chirping whereas I…… I silently stared at people passing by.

We soon reached to the Lion’s den, I mean her house, which I actually meant…… Vincent’s house.

As soon as we entered hall, my eyes were roaming around due to fear searching for him.

Emma noticed my uneasiness and gave a warm smile. ” Don’t worry Vincent is not here… you can relax!”

” Really!??? Why???”

” I didn’t see him today properly in college, when I called him, he said he has gone out would be back at night. So today is our ladies day” Emma chirped hugging me.

Phew! Now that was a good thing I have ever heard till now……

We enjoyed cooking, talking, chatting. My mood was getting better, I wished I could have stayed in the same section with them, everything would have been little better, better than my shitty class.

We ate lasagne, french fries and cookies. I was full and I was feeling sleepy, but everybody decided to watch some movie and I played along though feeling drowsy.

” Ah my back!!” I whined still lying on the couch. I realised that I slept in the couch for hours. I got up, scratching my head, my loose shirt hanging out of my shoulder and hair stuck out.

Nobody was in the hall. Where did they go?

“Ahhhu” I yawned and stretched like a kitten but I froze when I met a two laser beam eyes staring at me.


My eyes popped out, I gripped the couch feeling extremely embarrassed and I turned into a red tomato.

What is he doing here…… I mean it’s his house…… but…… Emma said…… he would…

He was scanning me, his eyes travelled to hair, then to…… to my lips then to…… my No!

I forgot that my dress was loose and hanging out of my shoulder, exposing my collarbone, or maybe he could see my strips. I quickly corrected my dress and placed a pillow in front of me.

I looked at him, he was in his red t-shirt and black track pants.

Wait…… casual clothes????

he was here way long back????

When did he come?

Did he watch me sleep from that time? I was sleeping like…… my dress…… was like…….

I turned into dark shade of tomato. I bit my lips and grabbed my phone feeling embarrassed. There was a message from Harper.


We went to shopping without you… since you were sleeping peacefully and you looked tired all day…… we decided not to disturb you. We will be back soon…… brownies are kept in the fridge eat it if you feel hungry.

Love-Harper Emma Rose.


That means……!!!!


I gasped and looked at Vincent, who was directly looking at me sipping his mug.

I could see Vincent’s eyes that made me feel like they could see right through me…… all my thoughts, fears, and it was unnerving and rousing at the same time.

He kept looking at me, not moving at all. I broke our eye contact, extremely feeling embarrassed.

It already became dark!??? I looked at the large glass window.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I am going to die……

What should I do?

Should I run from here!????

But I don’t know how to go back from here, besides I left the wallet in my room today, I should have brought it so I can hire a cab at least.

I was sitting, both the hands on my thigh, backbone straight…… I was like a kid, who was under supervision of a very, like very strict teacher.

Even with the distance separating us, I could clearly see his eyes piercing through me, and I felt naked. I felt like he was stripping me, leaving nothing but heat and insecurity.

Why isn’t he blasting at me? Why is he giving me silent treatment…… it is killing me more……

Suddenly Vincent kept him mug aside and decided to walk towards…… me!!!???

I got up in reflex, trembling like hell, my hair on the neck bristled as I waited for his reaction, expecting him to do or say something that would hammer more pain to me.

” Hey Vincent what are-”

I and Vincent turned and I froze.


Oh my God BLAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

” What the-” Blake paused and looked surprised seeing me. He looked at Vincent and then me, then eyes were stuck to me. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out, then he looked at Vincent.

” Where’s Emma?” Blake said cocking his eyebrows.

” She’s not there” Vincent said, no emotions buried in it.

” Aaron?”


” You mean nobody’s in house?”

Vincent this time looked straight into my eyes ” Nobody’s in house……”

Now I was hunching in fear, because both eyes were on me. I am dead, I am going to lie in coffin today.

The most dangerous combination was right in front of me Vincent and Blake. cherry on top was…… I was all alone with them, nobody to help.

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