Baby With The Billionaire

Chapter 20: Are you sure?

Chapter 20: Are you sure?

Jade's POV

Kyle let out his breath in a long uneven stream after he took a sip of his coffee. "Tell me more about

your childhood," he was just looking at me and I couldn't tell what that look means.

"I've told you already."

He shrugs. "I want to know more. What were your parents like? Which one of the do you look like?

Your favourite colour, everything. I want to know everything about you."

I couldn't help smiling. "Well, where to begin?" I rubbed my hand against my chin. "My parents were

amazing. They were so in love. I remember my father taking my mom out every Friday night; that was

their date night." I laughed. "I guess seeing them so happy made me want what they had." I looked

over at him in hopes to get some reaction from him, but he was just looking his face unreadable. "Josh

and I look like our dad, but we have our mother's blue eyes and her smile."

"She must have been really beautiful."

"She was, I always wanted to be as beautiful as her. She had curly blond hair and a wonderful smile." I

laughed. "It's silly.

He smiled, "I love your dark hair. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I don't think your

mother's beauty can be compared to yours."

I couldn't help but blush. "You're just saying that."

"That's because I mean it."

I smile, "My favourite place to go as a kid was Zoo. I just loved the zoo and the animals there. I know

that a lot of people don't agree with Zoos, but It was one of my favourite place to go as a Kid." I took a

sip of my coffee. "I think you already know my favourite colour."

He winked. "Oh yes, I do."

I laugh. "It's your time to tell me about yourself. I don't really know anything about you."

"Yes, That's true. I'm sorry about that. I've told my parents about you." I didn't believe. Did he really tell

his parents about me? What did he tell them? Good things or Bad things?

"Yes, I told about." He must have read the doubt on my face. "They're happy and they can't wait to

meet you."

I lifted my brows, "Really?" NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

He laughed. "Yes, really. You're the woman who is giving them their first grandbabies, of course, they

want to meet you and get to know you."

I sighed of relieve. I knew the day would come when I would eventually have to meet his family, but I

didn't know that they would respond.

"They'll love you, so you don't have to worry."

I laugh. "You're such a mind-reader."

"Only yours."

I smile. "What are your parents like?"

"They're like your typical parents I guess. My dad started the Dale Corporation a little after he and my

mom got married so he was always busy, but he always made time for us. My father didn't like the idea

of my mom working. She was just 19 years old when they got married and he was 25. She never

worked a day in her life. Only when she was taking care of me and my brothers."

"Did you like living like that?" I asked curiously.

"No, she didn't like it at all. That's why my father made sure that she was occupied by making her have

many babies." He laughs.

"How many babies?"

"Five, all boys."

"What!" I laugh.

"Yup, I'm the third of the boys. My older brothers are Kevin and Kaden. My younger brothers are

"Kemar and Kevon."

"They're all K's?"

"Yes, My Parents names are Katrine and Kevin."

I laughed out loud. "That's sweet. I want my babies name to be like that too."

"I think you're a little late for that. My name is Kyle and yours is Jade. Two different letters. We clash."

He gave me a crooked smile.

"Well, I guess we'll have to compromise."

He smiles, "I guess we will."

"If you have so many brothers why you need an heir?"

"I have my own business. I help to run one of the Dale's Corporation, but I also have my own business

that I run. Why do you think I have Dane?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know."

"My coffee is done." He slowly was getting up from his chair. After all, It was coffee I invited him in for.

Or was it?

"I've had a great night with you. Thanks for the coffee." I started to stand as well.

"Thank you for dinner and for talking about your family. We should talk more next time." I said as we

both walk slowly to the door.

When we reach the door, his back was pressed against it. I was only a few inches away. So close that

he could kiss me.

And just like all the other times when he somehow read my mind, he pulled me closer to him and his

lips crashed on mines. He was holding me so close that I could feel his heartbeat. This kiss was unlike

any other we had shared. It held so many emotions, so many words that can't be said were in this kiss.

After a few minutes, he stopped the kiss but I was still very close to him. Before He had the time to

think about his next step, I decided to make mine.

"Don't leave. Stay with me." I begged. There was nothing I needed and wanted as much as him.

"Are you sure?"

I smiled. "I've never been surer in my entire life."

He smiled. "Well, I don't need any more convincing." He framed my face in his hands and started to

kiss me again, lightly and sensuously. I moved my hands from my side and started to make my way up

to his belt. I could feel his erection through the jeans and I want nothing more than to touch him. I

started to rub my hands lightly over his jeans. He groaned and used his left hand to stop me.

"As I much as I want you to touch me, not with the pants on." His voice was husky. He bent and the

next thing I know I was being held in Bridal Style. He then made his way to the Master Bedroom. When

we reached he placed me on my feet and immediately his mouth was on mine again.

His hands began to caress me, he started by moulding my breast in his hands while he kissed my

neck. All I could do was moan at all the pleasure that was going through my body. I wanted more of

him, I wanted so much more of him. I wanted us to be one with nothing separating us, just skin to skin,

mouth to mouth and heart to heart.

I gently lifted the dress over my head, leaving me in only my bra and panties.

"Damn! I miss you." He said as he looked at me with hunger and raw desires in his eyes.

"I miss you too." I used my hands to pull him back down to mine for a kiss.

Without our lips ripped apart, he opened my bra and took it off me. When I realize he had stopped

kissing me I opened my eyes to see what was wrong.

He was staring at my breast with a look I'd never seen before. "Your breasts are so beautiful, even

more, beautiful because you're pregnant with my baby." He dropped a kiss to my lips. "Our son is going

to be so happy, he gets to have the breast every day. I hope I get to share with him."

Unable to talk I just nod, without another word he bent and took my right breast in hands and started to

play with it while he kissed my neck.

He laughed. "You're so short, I have to be doing a lot of bending. But I don't mind. God! I don't mind

one bit."

He lifted his hands to take off it his shirt, but I placed my hands on his chest.

"No, let me." I went on tippy toes and lifted it off him. Then I started with his belt. I couldn't wait to have

him inside me, so I wasn't going slow. I tugged the jeans off his waist leaving him in only his boxers. His

erection was shy, he was standing.

I smiled. I slipped my hands into his boxers and touched his manhood. I received a groan from him. I

looked up and his eyes were closed.

I removed my hands from his boxers and used both of my hands to remove it. When I removed it, he

was completely naked in front of me. I know my face was probably red but all the emotions that were

going through me at the moment.

"Can I?" I said looking up at him, his eyes still close.

"Can you, what?" his eyes still close.

"Can I be on top?" his eyes were so dark when he opened them.

He bent and crush his lips to mine. Then slowly pulled away from his forehead on mine, "Anything you

want you can do. I'm all yours."

I smiled. "Only mine."

I took his hands in mine and lead him to the bed. "Lay down." Without farther instructions, he did as I


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