Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

“I said no!” Ethan’s voice thundered through the phone, the frustration evident in his words. He

slammed the phone shut, flinging it away as if to distance himself from the source of his vexation.

Tension radiated from him as he raked a hand through his hair in sheer exasperation.

By his side, Axel bore witness to yet another heated altercation between the Alpha and the Luna, a

scene that had become all too familiar. The Alpha’s patience seemed to be wearing thin when it came

to his mate.

“What is it?” Ethan snapped when he noticed Axel.

“Nothing, Alpha,” Axel replied, choosing his words carefully.

But it was evident that something gnawed at Axel, something he had been holding back. “It’s just,

Devin sent me some pictures,” he finally confessed, attempting to broach the subject.

Ethan, his temper gradually subsiding, settled into his chair, his eyes now fixed on Axel. “So?” he

snapped impatiently, although a glimmer of curiosity flickered in his eyes.

Axel persisted, knowing that Ethan wanted to know more despite his dismissive tone. “Pictures of the

kids,” he revealed, holding his ground. even in the face of Ethan’s irritation. These pictures were taken

at school today.”

Ethan’s interest was piqued, and he reluctantly reached for the tablet Axel offered. Although his initial

glance at the device was disinterested, he couldn’t help but become engrossed as he swiped through

the images.

The first picture captured Daisy, her cherubic face adorned with green. paint, her smile infectious.

Ethan couldn’t help but sigh and melt at the adorable sight. His previously furrowed brows eased,

revealing a softer side of the typically stoic Alpha.

As he continued to scroll through the pictures, the transformation in Ethan’s demeanor was palpable.

Daisy’s radiant happiness seemed to wash over him, and a smile played on his l*ps. The next image

showed a grumpy Liam, his tiny face contorted in a frown, arms crossed, and a pout on his l*ps.

Ethan’s own expression broke into a smile at the sight of the boy’s adorable sulk

Axel couldn’t help but observe his boss, marveling at the shift in Ethan’s disposition. This was a man

known for his hardened exterior, a leader

Chanter 20

who rarely displayed warmth or emotions. Yet here he was, entranced by images of these two children,

clutching the tablet with genuine affection.

“Their names are Liam and Daisy.” He informed.

“They’re beautiful,” Ethan couldn’t help but remark, his voice soft and sincere, a stark departure from

his usual demeanor. His gaze remained fixed on the images before him, captivated by the innocence of

the children.

Practicality soon replaced his curiosity. “Where do they live?” Ethan found himself inquiring.

“I’ll text you the address, sir,” Axel replied, turning to leave.

“Axel,” Ethan called once more, his expression betraying a hint of vulnerability.

“Thank you.” He said softly.

Axel paused in his tracks, his hand on the door handle, his eyes wide with shock. For over four long

years, he had worked diligently for Ethan, never once hearing a “please” or “thank you.” The sudden

expression of gratitude left him momentarily stunned, unsure of how to respond. The man had not only

expressed emotions but also gratitude.

He simply nodded and left the room, pondering the enigma of Ethan’s evolving relationship with Hazel

and what might have transpired.

Axel had sought information from his sources, discreetly inquiring about Hazel. The feedback was

unanimous: Hazel had been the best Luna, known for her warmth, smiles, and kindness, a stark

contrast to the present Luna, Bella, who exuded an air of coldness and intimidation. The comparison

made Axel sigh inwardly, a silent lament for what might have been if circumstances were different. He

dutifully forwarded the address to Ethan’s phone, a small act in light of the turbulent emotions that

stirred within him.

His phone buzzed, and Axel swiftly picked it up. It was his informant, bearing news that would shed

further light on Hazel’s situation. “Boss, I’ve discovered something,” the informant began cautiously.

That man, Nathan, doesn’t live with Hazel. Although he’s present in the kids’ lives, they’re not together.”

Axel paused, absorbing this revelation. “Hazel’s not married?” he Inquired, seeking clarification.

Chapter 20

“Yes,” came the concise reply from the informant.

Axel released a sigh, a mixture of relief and contemplation. For some inexplicable reason, he felt

relieved by the confirmation that Hazel was not married to Nathan. Perhaps it was a glimmer of hope in

an otherwise. complex situation.

However, Axel couldn’t ignore the other aspect of his research. It had already been established that the

children couldn’t be Ethan’s based on the timeline of Hazel’s pregnancy and their birth. “Perhaps she

divorced within those five years?” Axel pondered aloud into the phone, his thoughts racing.

“There was no marriage, sir,” came the informant’s response, dispelling any illusions of a past marital


Axel was left with more questions than answers, but one thing remained. clear: the children that Hazel

cared for were not Ethan’s by birth. The mystery surrounding their parentage deepened, and Axel’s

determination to unravel the truth grew stronger.

After a long day’s work, Hazel hailed a cab to pick up her kids from kindergarten. As she stepped out of

the taxi in front of the school, her son Liam spotted her and couldn’t contain his excitement. With an

infectious grin, he dashed toward her, arms outstretched.

“Mommy!” Liam yelled, his small voice filled with joy, his eyes shining with happiness as he approached

his mother.

Daisy, on the other hand, was still engrossed in a game of chasing a delicate butterfly that fluttered

around the school garden, her little feet dancing to its whimsical flight.

Hazel knelt down to Liam’s level as he reached her. With a heartfelt smile, she addressed him. “Oh,

honey, I’m so sorry. There was an emergency. Do you forgive me?” she asked, her voice filled with

motherly tenderness.

Liam, a sweet and understanding child, nodded vigorously, his smile never fading. “Of course, Mommy!

We had so much fun today. We ate, danced, played, and we even got a huge cake!” Liam’s eyes lit up

as he recounted the day’s adventures, his enthusiasm contagious.

Hazel couldn’t help but be touched by her son’s happiness despite hit

Chapter 20

initial reluctance to attend kindergarten. For a child who had shown. reluctance and grumpiness at the

mere thought of kindergarten, Liam. appeared to have had a fantastic time. She gently placed a hand

on his cheek.

“You guys ate?” she inquired, relieved that they had enjoyed their day despite her earlier concerns.

Liam nodded emphatically. “Oh, yes, Mommy! I was sooo stuffed!” he replied with a big grin, his eyes

sparkling with delight.

Hazel couldn’t help but feel grateful that her children were adjusting well to their new environment, Tiny

Tots, it seemed, was indeed a good choice.

Amidst the happy chatter, Daisy, her face adorned with a slight smudge of mud from her playful

escapade, finally joined them. Her big, innocent eyes locked up at her mother as she clutched Hazel’s


“Mommy,” Daisy said, her voice a soft, sweet melody.

Hazel’s heart melted at the sight of her daughter. She bent down to Daisy’s level.

Hazel gently brushed away the smudge of mud from Daisy’s face, causing the little girl to giggle with

delight. She had always been a source of joy and happiness in Hazel’s life.

“Mommy, are you okay?” Daisy asked, her voice filled with genuine. concern. She gazed at her mother

with those innocent eyes, her small hand resting on Hazel’s cheek.

Hazel’s eyes welled up with tears, not out of sadness but out of the profound love she felt for her

children. She wiped away her tears, letting out a small laugh. “Uh? Oh, yes. Yes, Mommy’s okay,” she NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

assured Daisy, her voice warm and reassuring.

Daisy reached up and gently patted Hazel’s cheek, as if trying to comfort her. It’s just because I really

missed you guys,” Hazel explained, her voice trembling with emotion. She leaned in, embracing Daisy

in a tender hug.

Hazel’s heart ached as she held her daughter close. Her baby was a beautiful, vibrant child, full of life

and energy. Yet, Daisy’s health struggles had cast a shadow over her childhood. As her mother, Hazel

often felt helpless, unable to do anything but watch as her daughter experienced seizures and

struggled with her fragile health.

Chapter 20

She yearned for Daisy to have a happy and carefree childhood, just like


other child, to attend kindergarten with her friends and embrace the joys of life without the burdens of


Hazel held Daisy close to her chest, embracing her daughter with a mixture of love and guilt. She

pressed her l*ps to Daisy’s soft hair, her words of apology barely audible as she mumbled into the

fragrant locks.

“Mommy’s sorry. So sorry,” she whispered, her voice filled with regret for the moments she couldn’t be

there with her children.

After gathering herself for a few precious moments, Hazel gently released Daisy. Her daughter, now

free to explore, dashed off with youthful enthusiasm, eager to show off her artwork from the day. Daisy

proudly displayed a colorful butterfly she had painted, each wing adorned with a different hue, a

testament to her creativity and spirit.

Around them, other little kids were still engaged in playful activities, waiting for their parents to pick

them up. The schoolyard buzzed with the cheerful sounds of children at play, creating a warm and

inviting atmosphere.

Liam, too, was eager to share his masterpiece. He held. up his drawing with a wide smile, his eyes

sparkling with pride. The artwork depicted. three figures, and he eagerly explained his creation.

“This is you,” Liam pointed to the central figure, his mother, “and me and, Daisy,” he concluded, his

voice brimming with joy and adoration.

Hazel’s heart swelled with maternal pride. She gently stroked Liam’s face, her fingers brushing across

his cheek with love and appreciation. “Good job, sweetheart. It’s so beautiful. We’ll get some materials

and hang it up at home,” she promised, her heartwarming words instilling a sense of accomplishment in

her son.

With her children’s artwork in hand and their spirits lifted, Hazel decided it was time to wrap up their

day at the kindergarten. “Right, you guys wait here. I’ll be right back,’ she said to Liam and Daisy, who

nodded in agreement.

Heading to the office of the kindergarten’s proprietor, Hazel greeted him politely. She wanted to express

her gratitude for the care her children had received during the day.

“The kids’ food was taken care of, The proprietor, a kind-hearted individual, informed with a warm


Chapter 20

“Thank you very much. Let me pay you back.” Hazel reached for her phone. However, before she could

proceed, the proprietor interrupted.

“Don’t bother,” he insisted kindly. “Today’s meals was taken care of by the school.”

Hazel couldn’t help but chuckle as she realized that Liam had already spilled the beans about the day’s

unexpected feast. “Oh, that’s what Liam was explaining. He said there was a cake,” she remarked,

feeling touched by the thoughtfulness of the school.

“Yes, we had a party. All the kids in the kindergarten enjoyed it,” the proprietor explained, his eyes twin

k l i n g with the joy of making children happy.

Hazel was genuinely appreciative. “Okay. Thank you very much,” she said, her gratitude heartfelt as

she exited the office.

Back outside, Liam stood by the school’s entrance, his snacks bag in hand, ready to head home. He

held his mother’s hand, his trust in her unwavering. “Let’s go home,” he suggested.

As they left the kindergarten, Liam waved cheerfully to Mr. Devin.

“Goodbye, Mr. Devin!” Liam called out.

Mr. Devin chuckled warmly, returning the sentiment. “Goodbye, Liam. See you tomorrow,” he replied,

his heart warmed by these delightful children.

Standing in the corridor, Mr. Devin couldn’t help but watch them go. Those kids were truly adorable,

and he could understand why Ethan had softened toward them. They were just so adorable.

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