Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 72 Her plans


Gemma hissed in disgust at the sound coming from the living room. Guest seems to be trooping into their house nonstop since her father’s retirement became public. She hated how relaxed he was at giving his position away to Ezra. The more time she spends around her father, the more she feels distant from him. It happens that they have different goals and aspirations. Gemma is desperate to ask her mother who her actual father is. A child should get her passion from the parents, but both parents appear very solemn.

A light knock came from behind the door. Gemma grunted a come-in and sat up on the bed with her face squeezed in a frown. Ezekiel took note of her sour attitude but chose to ignore it. He has decided to pay less attention to his daughter’s tantrums. His happiness knows no bounds now that Gemma is no longer with Alpha Gael. He feels hopeful that she will get to pay more attention to herself now.

“How are you doing, dear? It would be best if you came to join us downstairs. Many guests keep asking about you, and I think your dress for the party is ready.” He said with a smile.

Gemma kissed her teeth, “I am not interested in your actions. I want to be alone.” She blurted rudely.

Ezekiel pulled in his lips while taking a deep breath. “why do you always have to act so cold and bitter towards every hand extended towards you? I am trying to understand what gets on your nerves so much. You have a whole life ahead of you, Gemma. There is no need to ruin it because something doesn’t go your way. I would expect you to know what is best for you. Your mother worries about you, even though she tries to hide it.”

“Why would she be worried? Didn’t she tell me off the last time?”

“Are you attempting to make her feel guilty for trying to put you on the right path?”

“And how would any of you know what the right path is? I know what I want, and I will get it.”

“Happiness and peace of mind should be what you would mostly desire. You have gone past the age of having a mate. Your second chance mate might be Zac. All you have to do is open up your heart to him.”

She scoffed within herself. If only they knew she opened beyond her heart to Zac. However, that isn’t for anyone to know. “What if I don’t want anyone else?”

Ezekiel stared at her closely. “How long do you intend to beg for love, then? I have heard rumors about Gael and the healer. Everyone can attest to his obsession with her, which is uncommon for someone like him. He was never that into you, as sad as it is to admit. That is just the solid truth. Holding yourself back because of someone else will make you bitter. You are young. Have fun and explore the world around you. Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back. I don’t want to bore you, honey. Just know that I love you, and I always will. Your happiness is what matters. I will go now and send Zac upstairs. He is here with his father.”

She wanted to refuse at first but had a second thought. Zac coming by will help her finalize her little plan. It didn’t take long for him to go into the room. He had an amused look on his face.

“Your dad sure has lingering thoughts in his mind, considering how laid back he is at letting me in here.” Zac mused, throwing himself into the bed.

Gemma slapped his hand away the minute it reached for her exposed thighs. “I am sure he thinks you are responsible and trustworthy enough. If only he knows what you are capable of.”

“Now, baby. Don’t make me the enemy. What’s up with you again? Why are you in a sour mood?”

“Why are you asking an obvious question? Are you pure stupid, or are you just pretending to be?”

He sucked in a breath, sniffing. “I am not a fan of you disrespecting me. Stop talking down on me like you feed me. I can always get tons of your pussy out there. The only reason I put up with you is my peculiar liking for you. Don’t ruin it.” Zac warned with a stern look on his face.

His sudden change in attitude took her aback. Gemma tapped him playfully. “why are you getting worked up all of a sudden? I was playing with you.”

“Yeah, right. About the plan you intend to pull off. It would be too dangerous to indulge in something like that within the pack house. I am not risking my life for you or anyone else. I feel stupid agreeing to this in the first place. Gael doesn’t want you. How long do you plan to keep making a fool of yourself?”

She gripped the sheets tightly while trying to keep her anger at bay. Gemma knows she wouldn’t be able to pull anything off without Zac. All she needs is the success of the plan; after that, she can get to dispose of him. He has been too much baggage.

“I have explained myself to you, times without number. And even if I don’t end up with him, you don’t expect me to go down without a fight.”

“You won’t have any more nerve for a fight if we get caught.”

She hissed in frustration. “If you aren’t going to do it and whine all the way, you might as well leave now when you can.”

Zac rolled his eyes. “It’s such a shame that I am so into your annoying self. That is the only reason I am agreeing to this. So tell me, what do you intend to do?”

Gemma sat up quickly. “When the celebration gets into full swing. I will tell you where to be positioned. Thankfully, no one will question my movement around the pack house. Gael already permitted me to move whichever way I choose. All you have to do is be on standby, and I will bring the bait to you.”

A mischievous twinkle lingered in his eyes. “Can I at least have a feel?”

She glared hard at him. “don’t you even think about it. I will never let you near me again if you do.”

“But you do with Gael.” He whined.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“And you do with those cheap bitches, too. But I will not have that wench be with two of what is mine.”

“Ooooh, did you just refer to me as yours?” He wiggled his brows.

Gemma scoffed in distaste, “Don’t get too ahead of yourself.”

“What happens if everything works out?” Zac asked, raising himself to rest on his elbows.

She smirked while pulling off her clothes and holding his gaze seductively. “Then my reign begins.” She purred, covering up the space between them with a wild kiss.

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