Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 23 The Paintings

NIA’S POV Like some unexplainable forces were at work, the few days I thought I had left to spend with Perry flew by so fast, and the day for her departure came. To avoid getting overly emotional, I had refused to see her off despite the assistant Beta promising to get me a pass outside the packhouse. I decided it would be best if our last moment together were a joyful one. I don’t know what I would do if I saw her leave. I was standing in the space where her paintings used to be. I inhaled deeply. The new phone she got me to help communicate made me excited. Even though I told her Kingston got me one, Perry insisted I have hers. A painting of the both of us running in the woods was the only painting she left behind. I didn’t even know when she was working on it. Perry said it’s a reminder of how much color and delight my presence brought to her life in such a short time. I am going to miss her so much. The days of hiding away from my bullies are over. I know they would try to harm me even though I am trying to prepare my mind for it. It is still so scary. I wish a miracle would happen, and I should teleport away from here. The Alpha hates me, and so do the pack members. It’s nothing short of a war zone around here. And it’s only a matter of time before my hideout gets hijacked. Sitting on the stool, I took the phone out of my pocket and dialed Kingston’s contact. For the past three days, I have not returned his messages. It must have made him very worried. But I kept my phone in the room, and since then I have been jostling to spend time with Perry and doing my duties around the packhouse. I have avoided my room like a plague. Especially since the roommates keep watching me like a hawk, it’s so scary looking at them. “Kingston,” I called his name in a whisper when he answered the call. The excitement in his tone made my racing heart calm. “Nia. I have been so worried about you. Is everything okay?” “It’s fine, Kingston. I have a feeling you must have been worried about not hearing from me for days. I just had a lot to do.” “Are you sure? I know you don’t tell me exactly how it is there. It’s all because I am practically helpless to put you out of your misery.” “Don’t be like that, Kingston. Your constant check-up is enough for me, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Thank you for always.” There was a slight pause on the other end. “I promise you, Nia. I will get you out of there, and we will go far away to a place where freedom exists. I’m so sorry you have to go through all these things on your own.“ A weak smile stayed glued to my lips. “Thank you, Kingston.” “I love you, Nia. Don’t you ever forget that?” “I love you too, brother. Thank you. I will hang up now and talk to you later.” I smiled, hanging up. The tears were building up again. Someday, I will know what freedom truly feels like. I have had enough of running for my life and living in fear. Standing up, I headed out of the building. I have had enough of a break, and it’s time to return to my reality. I have to remain resilient, as Perry advised. Deep in thought, I unintentionally bumped into a rigid body. “I am s…. so s… sorry, please.” I stuttered in fear. I hope it’s not the Alpha. He wouldn’t hesitate to drag me into the cell. “Hey, Nia. It’s me. Look up.” Assistant Beta’s soft voice assured me. The look of relief was evident on my face. “Thank you. Sorry for bumping into you.” He smiled sweetly, “It’s fine. I was looking for you. Since Perry left yesterday, I haven’t seen you. How are you doing?” I laughed shyly, “did Perry make it mandatory for you to check up on me?” “I am glad you know your friend well enough. It asked me to. I wanted to see how you are faring, too. I know the packhouse isn’t all that friendly towards you. But I hope whenever you need help, you won’t hesitate to contact me.” “I appreciate your kindness, Lord Ezra. I will keep that in mind. I should take my leave now.” “Oh, where are you headed?” “The main house.” “Let’s walk together then.” He urged me to my surprise. Turning it down would be unreasonable on my path. We aren’t doing anything wrong, just walking. “So, how has it been so far in the packhouse? Do you need to change your room?” He asked, moving in the same stride as I did. I shrugged, “I’m not going to say it’s been comforting. But I accept my reality; knowing I would be staying here for a while already has me in shambles.” Ezra exhaled slowly. “I will pay the entire debt. But the Alpha insisted you serve him for a year at least. I wish I could do something to help.” He halted in his steps as we reached the front of the main house. With a smile, I placed comforting hands on my shoulder. “I am assuring you now that. I will be sure to one-up my face as I watch the floor where my room is situated. I got cornered by the two witches and a new friend of theirs. They had a vicious look in their eyes that spelled doom for me. “Took you long enough!” Penelope snickered at me.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Emily grinned devilishly, “Let’s welcome you, right? Come with us.” My wolf sneered and whimpered at the same time. Tuning it out of thought, I reclined and followed them quietly like the hopeless fool I am. I hope the goddess is ready to take one more guest by the end of today. The minute I stepped foot into the room, a hard kick hit my back and had me hugging the wall tightly like some long-lost lover. It is where it ends. I fell to the ground when my legs wobbled. “I always knew you had something suspicious to you,” Emily said, kicking my outstretched leg. I winced in pain. “First, you hung around with Lord Ezra’s sister, and now you are taking walks with him? I must admit you are audacious.” Penelope slapped me hard across the face, and I swear I saw stars dancing around my head. “I am sure she is probably spreading her legs out for the assistant Beta’s pleasure. You will never get to leave this state you are in. You are born into slavery, and you will die one.” My ears ached from the profanities they kept singing to me. My body seemed to have gone numb despite the hard pummeling. The only thing I know for sure is in shreds right now is my heart. I want to die now. I want everything to end, and I don’t have to wake up to this cruel world again. With my hands over my head, I lay on the cold floor, unmoving. “Is she dead?” Emily asked with fear, lacing her words. I almost laughed at how meek she sounded. So, they do know how to be scared. “She can’t be.” The third girl that came in with them said-bending over me to check. I am well aware of everything with my eyes closed. My body has, however, frozen up. “That’s enough. The halfbreed has probably passed out. Let’s leave the room and wait until the idiot wakes up later. If she is found dead, our heads would be hanging in the pack’s square.” Penelope added. I heard their footsteps hustling to leave the room. After a few seconds, silence enveloped me. Taking my time to sit up, I finally did after much struggle. My bones must have broken to pieces because I feel incredibly light. Holding my knees against my chest, I sobbed quietly. I feel empty on the inside. How long will I be able to bear this pain? It’s a day out of over three hundred days I have left. I would be long gone by then. If not dead, disabled then. It’s obvious the girls only have the mind to hit and not kill. Those crazy bitches. They should stick to their evil guts if they enjoy melting out punishment to a weak person. My butt was beginning to hurt from sitting in the spot for too long and dragging myself up and trying my feet to hold down steady. I stepped out of the room and went down to my place of solace, the golden. It was getting late so that no one would notice the battered state on my face and body. Relaxing, it felt so welcoming. If I had my way, I would rather camp out here in the garden than be in the four corners of that room with those ladies. Now that there’s no Perry to protect me, the assistant Beta D would give room for too much attention than desired. I have to learn self-defense. However, there is no one to teach me. One way or the other, I would have to find a way out of this pit hole I am in. The late-night breeze hit my wounded face, and relief washed over me. I sat in silence; my eyes caught sight of someone on the ground. Because it’s late, I didn’t notice the figure on time. The figure wore the guard uniform, and he seemed to be struggling to latch his head. I knelt, looking around helplessly. I think this is the disease everyone has been whispering about in the packhouse. I have no idea if it’s contagious; at the same time, I can’t see myself leaving the guard. I have to get help, but I doubt anyone would respond. “Sir, can you hear me?” I asked, doubting if his state would even allow him to talk. “Go get some herbal leaves and mix them with a high shape and beetroot.” An unknown voice whispered to me. I glanced around to be sure I wasn’t hallucinating. “Say what now?” I didn’t do it. Then the voice comes again. It took an entire minute to realize my wolf was communicating with me. “Oh, yes, I would do that now,” I replied, running around the garden to find the required leaves. Luckily, the garden’s abundance of the weirdest fruit leaves comes to mind. I plucked the ones as directed by my wolf and ran back to the man. His eyes were beginning to roll back into their sockets. I was searching around for something to get the leaves merged. I felt lost again. Going back to the main house implies fewer minutes for him to leave. My eyes landed on a clean stone seated like it had been waiting for me its entire life. Searching for a smaller stone, I ground the leaves together, not minding that all of the ingredients and tools for processing aren’t exactly healthy. I am not even sure if it would work. But I still wanted to try either way. Satisfied at the state of the grinding, I scooped the little concoction and fed the man. With my heart thumping hard like it would fall, I jumped out of its cage. I waited patiently. I don’t know what I was waiting for, but I waited. It is the most chaotic ten minutes of my life. He went quiet all of a sudden. Then he coughed, spitting out some of the mixture in his mouth. He sat up, blinking as he took his environment in. “I’m alive?” He questioned, looking at me. “You saved me?” I nodded slowly, not sure if it was right to admit that I didn’t get to wash the leaves I fed him. “I didn’t do much, and I just fed you a few leaves.” “Felix!” Two guards ran towards us. Kneeling next to the man. “Felix, we have been worried about you. We tried to reach the Beta and doctors, but no one was available.” One of them said He had tears in his eyes. The guard I saved, who is Felix, held my gaze. “I’m fine now. She saved me.” Only when Felix mentioned me did the two men take notice of me.  “Aren’t you the half-breed?” The second one seems to be the same age as me.

Felix sniffed, “A half-breed or not, she is a healer. She brought me back to life.” Not liking the direction their conversation is going. I picked myself off the ground and ran back to my room hurriedly. The Alpha would probably kill me if it got out that I had acquired a false title. I think I have had enough for a day. Curling up into the bed, I turned the wall and cried myself to sleep.

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