Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer

Chapter 102 The Holistic Center


My breath hitched as I stared at the phone, and I tossed it aside. It felt like it had spikes all over it. When Ezra mentioned Gael, all that I could think of was that night that he laid his hand on me and had me pushed out of the pack half-naked. I placed a hand on my belly and held the couch tightly with the other one as I tried hard to catch my breath. Catelyn rushed towards me hurriedly and ordered someone to bring me a glass of water while she rubbed my back slowly. 

“Calm down. Calm down.” She repeated while lifting the glass of water to my mouth. “What in the world just happened? You were chatting happily on the phone, who was it? What did they tell you? You know what, I think you need some fresh air. Someone help me.” Catelyn said, helping me up with two other maids.

The moment the evening breeze hit me, I felt a bit better. I leaned carefully on the bench I sat on. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I didn’t realize how much effect the remainder of Gael has on me until now. I kept quiet and just kept looking forward. Catelyn held my hand and just sat with me.

“Are you feeling better?” She asked after ten minutes passed. I turned my head to her with tear-filled eyes. Her hand went up to my face immediately, wiping the tears off. “oh, my baby. What happened?”

Crying my eyes out, I finally took a breather. “I am confused. And I don’t even think I am the person they need. What if something goes wrong and he dies? I will never be able to live with myself.”

“What is this about?” Catelyn questioned again.

I just remembered now that she knows nothing about what happened between me and Gael.

I sighed deeply and held her gaze. “It’s the father of my child.”

“Is the bastard bothering you? Do you need me to have him arrested?”

I chuckled dryly. “Gael is too frail to be arrested.” I mumbled. “you know, I never thought I would be hearing from him again so soon. It just made my heart skip, and the pregnancy hormone, too, didn’t help.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“It’s embarrassing. I would never have thought the man who claims to love me would act like that. I always considered him a reasonable person even though we started on the wrong foot.” I don’t want to go into the details of how I became a member of the packhouse in the first place. “He is the Alpha of the sunset pack.”

Catelyn gasped, “Does this mean you are carrying an heir to the throne?”

I nodded slowly, “Yes.”

“What happened then?”

“His bittered ex-girlfriend set me up. She drugged me to sleep, and I found myself next to a strange man. He saw us and was enraged. He wouldn’t even hear me out and had me sent out of the pack with just my underwear on.” I shivered at the memory, feeling hot tears roll down my cheeks.

“I was shocked at his behavior. He acted monstrous that night. Fortunately, Perry’s brother was more sensitive to my predicament and took me away from the guards ordered to throw me out. With the siblings’ help, I found my way to New York. You know how the rest goes.”

“That bastard!” Catelyn gritted, clenching her fist.

“How dare he call you again after all he has done?”

“Ezra is the one who called. He says Gael is sick at the moment and might lose his life.”

“Aren’t there healers in the packs? They should reach out to one of them.”

“They already did, and none could help out. According to Ezra, I am their only option left. And as a healer, I am not supposed to turn an ailing person away. Moreover, I don’t want to step foot into the pack.” I sniffed.

Catelyn patted my hand gently. “Don’t let yourself get forced to do what you don’t want to. Your baby daddy should have thought hard and long before pushing you out into the streets. I can’t believe they mistreated you in that damned pack. What can a harmless girl like you do to them that causes every one of them to be so insecure? Anyway, it is their loss. You don’t need to burden yourself with their problem. The universe will understand that you must make that hard decision for your good.”Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“And what if I want to treat him? Won’t I look like the world’s best fool? I know something for sure: Perry would call me a fool. She has warned me to never associate with Gael or anyone from the Sunset pack ever again.”

She let out a short laugh, to my surprise. “Do you think anyone can make that decision for you? Perry is only just being a regular friend. Every friend will say that because they must protect the one they love. But in the end, it is up to you to decide on the path your life will tread. You don’t have to feel stupid if you make mistakes; we humans consider it as being ourselves when we make mistakes. After all, you are half-human. If you want to treat him, so be it. You have to set your boundaries. Do whatever will help you sleep at night. You are too heavily pregnant to have a restless night.” She joked. 

I sniffed back a tear, chuckling. “You always know the right thing to say.”

“I try my best. Come on, you need to eat dinner now. I can hear your belly growling.” She said, and I followed suit, not arguing.

Later at night, after brooding hard for close to an hour, I decided to carry out my duty as the ordained healer and nothing else. There must have been a reason why the goddess chose me to hold down the position, so I would do my best to save him with the goddess’s help. Picking up my phone, I dialed Ezra.

“You can bring him over. I will send you the address. It’s going to be a long journey.” I mused. ********************

When I contacted Ezra, I didn’t think they would arrive the next day. I was shocked when his call came in, and he told me they had landed at the airport and were on their way to the house. I couldn’t sit still since then, and my hands kept shaking at every move. I can’t seem to hold still. What would become of me when I see him? I don’t want to bother my grandmother with my raving thoughts.

She is attending to a few of her patients at the medical center. I should be able to handle whatever this is by myself. But then I need to talk to someone before I lose my mind. I decided to dial Perry. I wasn’t sure if she would pick, but I had to try. She answered the call on the second ring.

“Hey, mama. I was just about to call you. How are you and my godchild doing?” She asked, moving around on the spot.

I inhaled profoundly, knowing this would be a long talk. “We are fine.”

“Why does your voice sound so distant? Is everything okay?”

Standing up, I stepped out the front door and began pacing the entrance with the phone pressed tightly to my ear. “Ezra is on his way here with Gael.” I let out the bombshell, feeling my heart race.

Perry kept mute for a few seconds. “What? How is that possible?”

“It is because I gave out the address to Ezra.”

“What the hell, Nia? What has gotten into you? Do you know what that would cost you?”

“Listen, Perry. Gael is not well. He needs me. I mean, he needs a healer. They aren’t coming here to rekindle anything. It’s for his health, and after that, they would be gone, I can assure you that. Trust me on this, Perry. I didn’t have anyone to talk to, so I had to contact you.”

She blew a raspberry into the receiver. “I do trust you, Nia. It’s Gael I do not trust. And I will never forgive him for putting you through so much. But who am I to condemn a sick person? Do you think it is serious?”

“I don’t know yet. But Ezra and Gael would be here soon. Can you stay on the phone with me until they arrive? That is if you aren’t too busy.”

“Even if I were busy, I would never be too busy for you. You know I will always have your back. I would be back soon, and a month is all left.”

“I have missed you so much, and I have much to show you around here.” I giggled, forgetting my current predicament in the meantime.

“Oh. I can tell that you are having fun. It makes me so happy that we decided to have you stay.”

“Yes, and I have you to thank for that. I wouldn’t have decided on it on my own.”

“You still could have refused. It was all you. How is the medical center?”

“Blissful. It feels like I am back at my greenhouse. Granny lets me handle all of the plants and a few of the patients who don’t mind somebody else checking on them.”

“I am so glad that you are doing well.”

“Do you think we can stay in New Haven? There are just about enough rooms here.” I suggested.

“I don’t mind if it’s free.” She giggled.

I laughed along, but my laughter was brought to an abrupt halt when the gate opened, and an unfamiliar car drove in. I know it’s not my aunt; it can only be Ezra and Gael. “They are here,” I whispered.


“Ezra just arrived,” I repeated.

Ezra stepped out and rushed to the side where Gael was probably seated. I didn’t think the illness was that serious until he was helped into a wheelchair by the driver and Ezra. Gael looked lifeless. All of the grudges I held against him flew away with the air as I ended the call and rushed towards them.

“You didn’t say it was this serious,” I said to Ezra while pointing him toward the medical center.

There was no need to start making introductions. Gael looks like he is a few hours away from death.

I prepared the herbs in the processor and injected Gael with just about enough to keep him hydrated and wake him from his unconscious state. For forty minutes, all I could think about was bringing him back to life. Not even my protruding belly could stop me. My body seemed to have garnered extra energy in the process. I didn’t leave his side until his breathing became steady and his eyes no longer looked faint.

Ezra had a panicked look on his face when I stepped out of the room. “How is he?” He asked anxiously.

I smiled weakly, “he will be fine. He is stable now, and you don’t need to worry anymore. In the next five days, he will return to his feet with his skin as new as ever.”

“Are you serious? Can I see him now?” I nodded in response, and he hugged me tightly. “Thank you so much, Nia. Thank you.” He mumbled before rushing to the room.

Catelyn walked towards me. “You should take a seat. How is he now?”

“Better than he was when he arrived some minutes back. I didn’t think it was that serious.” I replied.

“I must admit that the sight of him took me aback. You have done well.” She commended.

Ezra, join us just in time. His face looked more relaxed than when he arrived. “I am so rest assured now that he would be fine. Thank you, Nia.” He said.

“You have thanked me enough. Ezra meets my grandmother, Catelyn Reeds. Granny, this is Perry’s older brother, Ezra.”

Catelyn stretched her hand to him with a bright smile. “it is so nice to put a face to the name finally. Nia talks about you a lot. You don’t need to worry about your friend. He has come to the right place and will be better soon.” She assured.

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“Why don’t you show your friend to the house, Nia? He looks tired. I will join you when I finish up with my rounds. It’s nice to meet you again, Ezra.”

“Nice to meet you too, ma’am.” He replied, waving at her. I guided him out of the center as we walked towards the main house. “This reminds me of your clinic back at the pack house. So your father’s mother is a doctor.”

I shrugged, “I guess that explains why I was ordained an actual healer. She runs more of a holistic center where other methods can make a person better aside from the actual medical methods.”

“She is a human healer then.”

“You can say that.” I giggled.

“So, this is why you decided to keep me in the dark,” Ezra mumbled, pointing discreetly at my belly.

I hummed in response, “I just didn’t want anyone to think I was trying to get their attention.”

“When did you find out?”

“A month after I arrived here. And I am five months gone now.”

“I am so glad that you finally found happiness, Nia. You deserve it, and thank you so much for allowing us here. I know it’s your secret abode. I promise that as soon as he gets on his feet, we will leave.”

“I thought Gemma would be here with him. She is probably the Luna now, I guess.” I know I am not supposed to be concerned about it. But I couldn’t help but be curious.

“My uncle and the leader of the Omega clan will hold the pack down until our return. As for Gemma, I doubt if she is still anywhere near that pack. Gael found out the truth just before the doomed wedding. They would have been married now if the truth didn’t come out. He knows you didn’t cheat on him.”

I blinked slowly, not sure how to react to the news.

“Oh, I see. Good for everyone. Come on, let me get you something to eat. You look like you need the rest.” I invited opening the door.

It’s best to forget that we had that discussion; I don’t want to put my hopes up all for nothing.

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