Alpha Loren

Chapter 18 Death By Egg

Chapter 18 Death By Egg

October 15th

The next morning, my mark was almost completely healed. After sleeping on opposite sides of the bed

to each other and hardly speaking a word all evening, I decided my best chance of persuading him I

can go to school today was to give him exactly what he wanted.

I rolled over to his side of the bed and leant over and kissed his cheek until he woke up.

"Morning," I whispered running my hand through his hair.

"Morning," he replied in a rough, sleepy voice, "You're in a good mood."

I gently kissed along his jaw bone before resting my head in the nook of his neck and absorbing the

warmth from his bare body.

He turned his head to the side and engulfed my face in one hand before he pulled me into his soft lips

and kissed me slowly and sensually. He didn't try to put his hands under my clothes or touch me in

places I wasn't ready to be touched and I appreciated that. Just an innocent kiss.

About ten minutes later, Leo had gone into the shower with a genuine smile so I took the opportunity to

get dressed and gather some pens, paper and pencils from around the house to put in a my bag for


"For fuck's sake," he said the second he came out of the bathroom and noticed my rucksack, "Do not

do this again."

I scowled.

"You aren't going."

Fuck. Failure.

"I am seventeen, Leo. Legally, I have to go to school," I pointed out.

"I don't follow human laws," he replied.

"I don't follow your laws so..." I muttered.

"You don't have a choice," he grumbled, "There is no way I am letting you out the door."

"Why not?! What do you have against me getting an education?!"

"Do not raise your voice at me. And do you not remember what happened last time? You can't be


"I don't need your trust," I said tying up my last shoelace and putting my bag on my back.

I then gave him a sarcastic smile before marching out of the room.

I heard him sigh as I made my way down the stairs and to the front door.

It was locked. Of course.

I rattled the handle frustratedly for a bit- to no avail of course. Leo seems to have installed industrial

strengthed locks.

I then tried kicking it but seemed unable to make even a dent.

At some point, Leo came down now fully dressed and looking pretty calm.

"I'm making eggs, are you hungry?" he called from the kitchen as I ran into the door repeatedly.

Yes. Very hungry.

"I can do bacon too," he added in an enticing tone.

I leant against the door catching my breath for a moment before exhaling deeply and walking

defeatedly into the kitchen.

Folding my arms, I sat silently at the table and watched as Leo cooked breakfast. A few minutes later,

the kitchen was filled with the delightful scent of eggs and bacon.

"You can take your bag off your back if you like," he offered as he handed me a plate.

"I'm not staying long," I said with spite.

"Oh, I see," he replied trying to hold his amused smile in. "Have you ever heard of reinforced wood?"

"Have you ever heard of death by egg?" I snapped stabbing my egg violently with my fork.

"No, but feel free to enlighten me."

"It entails me shoving this fried egg down your throat and holding it there until you die with the last thing

you hear being me singing 'I've got a chick chick chicken and she's gonna lay an egg for me' in your

ear as you choke," I explained.

"Charming," he replied.

"Now. Unlock the front door," I demanded.

"I don't know if I can remember where the key is...." he said seconds before I launched the egg in his


He ducked and it landed on the counter in a yolky mess.

"Take that as a warning," I hissed before standing up and marching towards the stairs after grabbing

the bacon off my plate and shoving it in my mouth.

About half an hour later, Leo came upstairs to where I was still sulking. I looked up at him for a brief

moment as he entered the library before returning to my brooding and intimidation of a blank wall.

"Get in the car. I'll take you to school," he said with a defeated sigh.

"Really?!" I questioned my face transforming from one extreme to another.

"Hurry. You don't want to be late," he advised.

"What has caused this sudden change of heart?!"

"Guess the thought of 'death by egg' really got to me," he said with a smile before turning to the door.

I nodded before heading towards the door.

"But really? What did change your mind?"

"As much as I hate to admit, I don't want to deprive you of an education. The only problem I have with

you attending school is how it may compromise your safety. But I have men around Kellington today

and I'll ensure there are plenty around the school. This is your final chance to prove I can trust you.

Blow it and you're never going back, understand?"

I nodded.

"I have somewhere to be at 3 o clock but Blair will be there to collect you. Don't be late."

When Leo dropped me off, I was a little early early so I headed down the corridor to the library where I

could rewrite the history essay before my lesson fifth period.

"Ella!" a voice called down the hallway moments before I got to the door of the library. "You left your

artwork in the car."

"Leo?" I asked as my mate got closer to me. "How did you even get in here?"

"Anyone could. Your school really ought to look into tighter security," he said handing me my


"You didn't look, did you?" I questioned blushing slightly.

There was some stuff in there I'd rather he didn't see at this point in our forced relationship.

"I didn't open it but this fell out," he replied holding up a loose piece of paper.

I must have gone bright red the second I realised what it was.

"Leo, give that back!" I demanded trying to snatch it out of his hand.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, this is a cow, moo moo," he read allowed before pointing to a rather

detail drawing of a cow. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. But then I remember it's

none of my business and fuck off. What is this Ella?"

"I get bored in Art sometimes," I explained staring at the white piece of paper with half a dozen stupid

little poems and illustrations scribbled on it. "Now can I have it?"

"Hold on. There's more on the back," he said. ""

It was quite a sketch of Luigi from Mariokart but made into a super sexy hunk.

I was stood red with embarrassment as he looked at it, holding in his laughter.

"This is the sort of fantasy you have? Noted," he said as I snatched the paper from him and stuffed it

into my bag.

"Now that you have sufficiently invaded my privacy, would you like to politely fuck off?" I said.

"Thank you, Leo, for going out of your way to bring me my art book," he mimicked in a high pitched


I narrowed my eyes.

"Go," I demanded, looking up to his face. "You stick out like a sore thumb here with your size and I

don't want to get in trouble for bringing a stranger onto school property."

"Okay, okay," he said. "I'll go,"

At that point, Logan came round the corner. My eyes widened as I saw that he was coming in our

direction having not caught sight of me yet.

"What are you looking at?-" Leo asked beginning to turn around.

"Nothing!" I interrupted pulling him back to me and hugging him tightly. "Have a good day."

I peered around his shoulder to see that Logan had finally seen us. I made gestures with my eyes,

warning him to leave before Leo recognised his scent from the other day.

He didn't seem to be getting the message so I mouthed "Go" and made hand gestures to Logan all

behind Leo's back.

"I have to go Ella. I'll see you tonight," Leo said withdrawing from the hug.

I nodded before my eyes averted to Logan, who still hadn't moved. He seemed to just be looking

curiously at Leo in the middle of the hallway.

When my eyes reverted back to Leo he was wearing a suspicious expression.

He began to turn round in a second attempt to see who I was looking at.

"Leo no!-" I began but it was too late. He had already seen him.

"It's that boy again," he said before marching straight in Logan's direction, where he was swapping his

football kit for the books out of his locker.

"Leo!" I exclaimed as my mate roughly seized Logan and slammed into the lockers. He held him there

with one hand before reaching into his pocket to find his ID.

"What the fu-" Logan began looking at Leo and then to me.

"What business do you have with my mate, Logan James Wilson?" Leo growled reading his ID.

"Nothing," Logan said obviously feeling intimidated by Leo. "She's your mate?"

"Leo, put him down," I ordered.

"Leo?" Logan asked.

"Alpha Leonardo Loren," Leo growled, his face only inches from Logan's.

Logan turned a pasty shade of white and sweat formed on his brow.

I had tried to tell him...

"So I will ask you again. What business do you have with my mate?"

"She sits behind me in history. That's all. Sometimes she helps me with my homework."

"And that is all?" Leo questioned defensively.

"Yes!" This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

"If I found out that you are lying to me, there will be consequences. Painful consequences," he hissed

before releasing him.

He eyed him with a knowing glint for a few seconds before marching towards the exit of the school.

When his footsteps had faded and Logan had begun to catch his breath, I pushed him against the

lockers once more.

"I told you to go and you didn't listen. Why not? Are you stupid?!" I hissed.

"So I was just meant to ignore the 6 and a half foot Alpha you were stood with?"

"Unless you want to die, yes! If he recognised your scent, which he probably did, you are dead. He

knows that I was with someone two nights ago and he knows that they...touched me. He was beyond

angry and has given your scent to people to hunt you down and kill you. You have to go."


"I don't know! Another state, country, fucking planet!"

"I'm Alpha. I can't just leave my pack," he said. "My father doesn't have another son."

"He is going to kill you if you stay. Did you see the way he looked at you? He knows."

Logan clenched his jaw, "Oh fuck."

"Go out the back straight into the forest and run. He has men all over Kellington probably hunting you

down so be careful and never come back. Don't go to the Cerridwen village either. It's too risky."

"So I just disappear without telling my pack?"

"I'll explain everything to them," I offered, closing my eyes and shaking my head.

Why am I offering this? This was my last chance to gain Leo's trust and go to school and he was gonna

make me blow it.

"Thank you, Ella."

I nodded and he marched off.

I was glad to see the back of him but I still wanted him to live. He's only young and stupid and there

must be some part of him that has the potential to grow up to be a good man like his father.

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