Alpha Kael

Chapter 39


Kael’s reaction wasn’t how I expected it to be.

It wasn’t admission, to be true, that I know we are mates and that I’m revealing it to him right now. It was a simple question that may have taken him off guard for a moment, considering the time I’m asking it, however, he doesn’t look as if he is coming to a realisation about what I’m insinuating.

“Oh, well, if we were mates…I feel like it’s fairly evident,” Kael tells me, looking at me earnestly. I’m not sure what he means by that. Is that him telling me he would continue trying to find his mother for his entire life and not worry about me?

“You’ll have to explain,” I says cautiously. He’s an Alpha, and a busy one at that. Why would he even have time for me?

Just thinking about to sinks me into sadness.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“Believe it or not, I’ve always wanted a mate. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that being alone is something I asked for. In fact, I hate it, so if I had a mate is would make my life so much better. I would be happy,” Kael tells me. Surprisingly, he seems so honest, as if he is imagining it in his own mind.

I can hardly believe he is telling the truth, considering the life he has lived until now. From what I heard about him when I was in school, he was a hard man who only had interest in the business of his Pack.

When I don’t reply right away, too dumbfounded to find words, Kael speaks. “What about you? How would you feel if I were your mate.

“Honestly I’ve never thought about it much. After everything happened with my parents, I’ve been afraid to get close to anyone. It seemed like everyone around me gets taken away if I feel anything toward them,” I admit.

I can see the sympathy in Kael’s eyes.

“You don’t need to be afraid to get to know me. I’m not going anywhere,” Kael tells me. For a moment I’m unsure whether he is referring to what it would be like if we were mates, or if he is saying that as my Alpha. Either way, it makes my heart flutter. I trust that Kael wouldn’t go anywhere. That he wouldn’t leave if he knew.

As I look at him, I wonder how I’m going to tell him we are mates. Should I just reach out and touch him, or shall I just tell him? If I touch him, he won’t be skeptical, however, I don’t want to freak him out by forcing it on him right away.

“I know this might be weird to hear in such a strange place, but I might as well say it now,” I say nervously.

Kael looks at me suspiciously.

In the middle of the night, in the middle of a forest not many people have explored in, I’m about to admit to my mate I know about our fateful bond. It’s not what I always dreamed of, if I ever did, but I also never thought I would be mates with an Alpha on a hunt for his own mother.

“Yes, I found out in the strangest way possible, but I think we are mates,” I tell him quickly, my cheeks flushing with every word out of my mouth. I’m not sure why I’m so embarrassed to say it. I can’t deny the fact.

Kael doesn’t react the way I assumed he would. He didn’t widen his eyes or let him jaw go slack. In fact, he looks thoughtful, considering what I’m saying.

“Well, I figured,” he says, tilting his head as he leans back on his hands. Blinking a few times, I try to absorb what he is saying. I expected him to be surprised, however, he doesn’t even question. In fact, he agree with me without any evidence at all. Maybe he was awake when I kissed him, and didn’t want to tell me.

My throat tightens, and for a moment I can hardly breathe.

“How do you know?” I question. I see him reach out to touch me, but I flinch back. I feel almost lied to, even if I shouldn’t be allowed to think that. I knew we were mates for a few days and I didn’t tell him either. However, I was convinced Kael didn’t know anything.

“I don’t know exactly, I just assumed a while ago considering how I feel towards you. I’ve never felt my interest piqued toward anyone but you. The moment I first talked to you out in the forest that night, I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that. That never happens with anyone,” he explains.

I’m dumbfounded.

Of course, kael had enough experience to know that, but I just assumed at the time I felt a tingle in my stomach around him because he is my Alpha, and visible handsome. Little did I know I was feeling the very beginnings of a bond.

“How did you know?” Kael asks. There’s a slight humour in his eyes, meaning he at least isn’t accusing me of anything.

I consider how to say it, but realise there is no nice way of putting it. “Your Silent’s wanted to set me up to get me in trouble by having me sneak into your room to kiss you during the night. They left me no choice unless I wanted to be terrorised forever by them,” I tell him meekly.

Kael laughs lightly. Laughs.

“Charming. I’m glad we both know now,” Kael says simply. I stare at him blankly, unsure of how he is taking this so well.

He must seem to notice my expression, reaching out to grab my hand, confirming what we both already know. “I’m happy. I’ve been preparing for this to happen for a long while, and I’m glad it came out, even like this. I truly wanted this, and all I can say is I’m very happy. I hope you’re happy too.”

Before I reply, I just look at him. He is so easy to look at now, as if the hard, intimidating exterior has melted away, revealing my mate underneath. Those dark eyes have opened up, showing me all the emotions he is feeling.

“I am happy,” I tell him honestly.

He smiles softly, reaching out to grab the bottom of my chin gently, pulling me forward into a kiss. It’s a relief to finally feel his lips against mine after the last kiss being so abrupt and unplanned. It feels right, the sparks confirming the bond between us. And like Kael, I couldn’t be happier.

The kiss was passionate and romantic and everything I could have ever wanted. I wish it would last longer, but being ducked inside a tent isn’t the best place for a kiss.

“I promise once all this is over, you’re going to have all my attention,” Kael promises.

With a few more kisses passed between us, I returned to my tent. Pressure has been relieved from my shoulders now that I know Kael knows, and he isn’t rejecting me like I assumed he might. It makes me smile, as I crawl into my blankets, hoping to find sleep.

Thoughts of what life might be like once we find his mother lull me to sleep.


We started back up on our walk again early the next morning, just as the sun broke.

As we packed up our tents, Grayson and Kael walked ahead for a while to see if they could find any further leads. As Kael left, I flashed him a simple smile that I don’t think anyone took any notice of. Right now, the last thing I want to do is reveal we are mates to everyone. We have to deal with it ourselves first.

I had just finished packing my tent, when I bumped into Axel on accident. He pushed away, turning around to look at me as if I had just offended him greatly.

“Watch it,” he mutters.

With gritted teeth, I face him. “Don’t talk to me like that. You don’t need to have such a bad attitude because you didn’t get what you wanted.”

I’m not sure why I exploded so much, but Axel didn’t look so pleased. His face contorted in rage, making me take a step back.

“You’re right, I didn’t, because the Alpha did,” Axel snaps. He turns, looking at Ace who innocently stands a few steps away, trying not to make is seem like he is listening into the conversation. “Hear the Ace? Did you know Jada and Kael are mates?”

Ace doesn’t say anything, just looks down at his feet.

“You listened in on our conversation you jealous creep,” I growl. I have to refrain from yelling at him in case kael and Grayson hear, as they aren’t too far away.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I don’t want you. Not anymore,” Axel tells me firmly. “And I promise I’ll make your life hell as much as I can.”

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