Alpha Blake

Chapter 20 Friendly Quarrel, part1

Chapter 20 Friendly Quarrel, part1


I was unable to stay asleep for most of the night. Selene kept stirring and talking in her sleep. How

can someone become such a big part of your life, to an extent that you want to do everything in your

power to protect them? She means so much to me. It makes me cringe at the thought she may be in

any danger, or she'd get hurt.

Even when I treat her like shit, even when I'm acting like an asshole with her, she shows me

compassion and love. She has taught me to be calm, to quiet the storm in me, when I feel like running

out and ripping everybody's head off.

She turns her body close to me, her hair partially covering her face. I run my fingers softly through

her hair, making her sigh as she feels my hand caressing her softly, tucking a loose strand behind her


My mind wanders off to the first day I realized she was the one I wanted as a mate. I begged the

moon goddess for her, every night since then.

I still remember that day, as if it was yesterday. It was the day of our first shifting ceremony.


I saw her from far as I stood next to Tyler, we were ready to go inside and be blessed by the elders

at the shifting ceremony. We still had a while to go before it started, but something odd caught my

attention as I averted my sight towards the forest.

That's when I saw her, walking towards the forest.

I didn't pay much attention to it, but I still got intrigued, where was she going? She was supposed

to be waiting here with us to be lead inside. I placed my hands inside my pocket, clenched my

jaw...where the hell was she going? A few minutes passed, and she was still nowhere to be seen.

She was taking too long to come back.

All the new pack members that were ready to partake in the ceremony, had not even noticed her

going into the forest. Not even Tyler, her twin brother had realized she'd been missing for over twenty

minutes now.

My heart palpitated rapidly. I took my hands out of my pockets. Glancing from the forest and to the

door entrance, my hands opening and closing fists. I debated on what to do, I was beginning to worry. I

ran towards dad's office. I could hear them talking in whispers about someone with the elders.

They talked about the moonchild in our pack... we have a moonchild? What does that even


"She is supposed to protect our future Alpha. That is how it has always been since the beginning

of our pack. We will not change this." An elder stated.

"But she is too young, she doesn't even know Rebecca is not her real mother. If she finds out she'll

hate us for sure... and she'll be mad at Carrie, I can't have her hate her own mother, or Becky."

"That is out of our jurisdiction I'm afraid. We must make a decision. Keeping her here will not only

give us extra protection from our tri-moon goddesses, but it will also protect her against the aswangs

that were sent after her and Chansey. She has to know, I'm giving you no later than her eighteenth to

tell her."

I interrupted their conversation, opening the door harshly. All eyes averted my way. The elders

were startled, my mother seemed shocked at my sudden abruptness.

"Blake? What is the meaning of this? Why have you interrupted? This is a private conversation,

wait outside." Alpha Brock was upset. He fisted his hand on top of his desk while his body prompts


I clenched my jaw, my hand grasped the doorknob tight enough that it felt it had dent a bit.

"Selene is missing. She went into the woods more than a half-hour ago, and she has yet to return.

Just thought you should know." I gasped for air. My heart raised at a million per second.

They glanced among themselves and stood quickly to their feet.

"Alert Chansey and Rebecca... we must find her quickly," Dad called to his gamma and lead guard.

Mother came up to me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Sweetheart, listen to me. We have to go find her before she can get hurt. Stay with Tyler, at all

times. Do you understand?"

"Yeah but... what's going on?"

"Sweetheart, there's... no time to explain now... just, stay with Tyler, don't let him out of your sight...

got it?"

I sighed, looking down and then to my mom.


I saw them as they all shifted onto their wolves instantly and vanished before my eyes. They swiftly NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

moved and ran towards the forest without anyone noticing.

Before long, she had come back. They took her to her room to relax, and make sure she was

unhurt. I should have gone out there to look for her myself. She looked dazed and confused,

nonetheless... she surprised me that day.

Her first shifting had been an incredible success. Shifting to a beautiful brown wolf, almost as big

as mine.

Her golden eyes gleaned brighter. More powerful than any she-wolf I had ever met. And I knew,

there was something different about her. And I wanted her, as a mate, as my luna.



I laid there, my body resting on my elbow as I stroked her face with my finger.

It was getting close to 6 in the morning. We were going to meet the rest for breakfast, and then we

were heading towards their practice grounds to see their pack training.

Alpha Stewart had asked us to join him. He was unsure of their tactics and wanted fair insight and

suggestions to better his army.

I ran my hand gently on her arm to wake her. She sighed before fluttering her eyes slowly.

"Good morning sweetheart. "

She glanced towards me. Her eyes seemed full of sadness and melancholy I couldn't


"Blake, good morning."

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. I'm fine."

She lifted her body and rested on the headboard. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She

tilted her head back.

"We should start getting ready. We need to meet the rest by 7 this morning."

I kissed her forehead and made my way to shower. She soon joined me and we readied together.

We had breakfast together peacefully and interchanged in pleasant conversations with the others.

As we finished breakfast and talked, I couldn't help glance over at Selene. She looked so beautiful

sitting next to Jazmin.

"So, Alpha Blake. I hope it's ok with you." Alpha Stewart directed Blake. He grabbed his napkin,

wiping his mouth.

"I told my warriors that you would give them a quick assessment and show them a few tactics. I'd

also like to see if it was ok with you if maybe, you and Luna Selene gave demonstrations?"

I locked my eyes with Selene. She has been begging me to let her train again. I knew I was not

going to be able to stop her from this.

Her eyes lit up, she arched her back, standing tall. I clenched my jaw trying to not burst out angry. I

could see the worry in her eyes. She wanted me to give the ok. But I just don't know if I'd be ok seeing

her battle.

I cleared my throat and gripped my fork. I knew this may not be a good idea, but I can't keep her

away from this for too long. She'd eventually have to battle, and needs to train before those assholes

can get the best of her.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "I suppose that would be ok. So long as my Luna is ok for the

challenge." I locked sight with her as I referred to Stewart. Her eyes lit and she gave me a bright smile.

I didn't like it one bit, but I suppose it's time for me to see for myself what she's capable of.


We had all dressed in comfortable clothes for training. We made our way towards their battle

training ground.

I held Selene's hand as we walked together.

"Ok, Selene. I know you've been waiting for this since you came back. I won't say I'm ok with this."

I stopped, cupping her face to have her look at me. I leaned close and kissed her lips.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, a smile on her face. "I know, I'm so excited. " she was

cheerful, while I on the other hand was pissed off as hell.

"Selene, listen?"

"Ok" she pursed her lips and gripped me tighter. I took a long sigh to compose myself.

"Sweetheart, I can't promise I won't intervene. I don't want to see you get hurt. But I will try my

best to let you do your .... thing.. whatever. Ok?"

She smiled and I couldn't help but return a smile at her. She was beautiful. "I promise I will be


"Very well. But if you get hurt I "

"Blake, I'm not a baby. And I am very well capable of taking care of myself. Trust me, ok?"

We walked the rest of the way where they all gathered waiting for us.

Some stood on top of big boulders, some sat, others knelt on their knees.

"Ok, everyone gathers around." They all stood, as Alpha Stewart gathered them around us giving

them order.

"Most of you already know Alpha Blake. He's been of great help to our pack and has been of great

help on our last attacks. We are indeed, grateful with him and his pack." He walks about in a circle, as

he gives his speech. His hands cupped low together by his waist.

"It is a great honor to have him, and his Luna, along with his best pack members here with us

today. I expect all of you to continue to give them respect and a warm welcome."

He gestured towards Selene and me. I honestly hate all this suck-up. But I didn't want to seem like

an ass and interrupt him. Selene tightened her grip on my hand, and it helped to ease my tension. The

spark from her skin felt so damn good in my hand.

"Now, without further ado, I know Alpha Blake has not been here in a while. Therefore he is

unaware that we have a friendly new tradition for our visitors." He gave a mischievous smirk my way.

But little did he know I was a step ahead.

I knew where this was going. I have eyes everywhere, and if he thought he was going to catch me

by surprise...

He had another thing coming.

I unhooked my hand from Selene. She looked at me worried. Opening my mind link, I gave orders

to Chester.

"Protect Jaz, don't interfere with the rest." He nodded as he slowly made his way to Tyler and


Ty knew what was coming, he readied and positioned himself. "Selene, get ready..." I mind-linked


"What's happening Blake?"

I cleared my throat as he continued to talk.

"In just a few more seconds, his pack warriors will surround us. Closing every space, and attack

us. Whatever you do, stay behind me. Got it?"

For a second, I thought maybe she'd become startled. Preoccupied perhaps. But as I glanced

over, she had a huge smile on her face. Almost as if she'd longed for something like this.

"Really? Do we get to have some real fun after all? Yes, that's what I'm talking about baby."

"Fuck Selene, I'm serious... stay behind me." I was getting irritated, I wanted her to be safe. To

stay out of this as much as possible.

"Now, it's come to my attention... that Alpha James, is also quite the expert in combat. And so, we

will be joining Alpha James in our little, soiree." He locked eyes with James, his Luna gripped her hand

around his arm. She looked worried and nervous.

"Liam, keep an eye on Chloe, make sure she stays out of the fight. If any of them get near and hurt

her, take them down."

I mind-linked Liam, I already had the fucking guilt of not protecting Ty's first mate.

I was not going to let our Luna's get hurt today. Nor Ty's second chance mate.

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