After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

#38 “Let’s not Let Alexander Interfere with Us.”

Sophia’s network of connections extended into various spheres, and she had a close friend with unique hacking skills that allowed them to breach computers and social profiles. With the help of these skills, Sophia had managed to obtain a private chat between Barbara and Mr. Thompson.

In this conversation, they discussed their plan to shift blame onto Sophia in case any issues arose with the bribery scheme.

As Sophia repeatedly read through the conversation, her anger grew more palpable. She was not about to be played as a pawn in their scheme. It was time for her to take control and retaliate.

Just as she was contemplating her next steps, her secretary informed her of an unexpected visitor. It was Mr. Thompson’s secretary, the very person involved in the bribery. Sophia welcomed her into her office, a smile playing on her lips. It seemed that her revenge plan might be unfolding on its own terms.

A petite woman entered the office, clutching her small black bag with obvious anxiety. Sophia motioned for her to take a seat and leaned forward, curious about the visitor’s intentions.

“I’ll be direct, Ms. Johnson. I want to offer you a sincere apology for the situation you’ve been ensnared in,” the woman began.

Sophia’s eyes narrowed as she met the apology with a defiant question. “Why didn’t Thompson come to me in person to offer this apology?”

The visitor sighed, her posture showing signs of nervousness. “I’m not here on behalf of my former employer.” Sophia was intrigued by the mention of the word former.

“Actually, I decided to ask you for help, the woman confessed. “Help for what?” Sophia inquired, curious about what could have led this woman to seek her assistance after everything that happened.

“When Mr. Thompson asked me to offer a bribe to the other lawyer, I had no idea of the extent of his desires,” the woman explained, her voice trembling. “He had coerced me into bribing people before, but this time, when the lawyer approached me…,” she trailed off, unable to continue. NôvelDrama.Org content.

Recognizing the woman’s distress, Sophia quickly fetched a glass of water and handed it to her. “Take your time,” she comforted. “You’re safe here.”

Gathering her composure, the woman continued, “I didn’t realize that I was being forced into a sex deal. I was manipulated into participating, as if it were a gift…”

Sophia’s heart sank as she listened to the woman’s harrowing experience. Take a deep breath,” she advised, gently squeezing the woman’s hand. ” You’re incredibly brave for coming forward and telling me the truth.”

Tears welled up in the woman’s eyes. “I didn’t want to cause any trouble. I was just trying to do my job…”

Sophia nodded, understanding the woman’s predicament. “I completely understand, but we can’t let this injustice continue.”

“What do you suggest, Ms. Johnson?” “Please, call me Sophia,” she insisted. ” I suggest that you tell me everything you know about the deal Mr. Thompson and Barbara have been working on. I will take care of the rest.”

As Thomson’s ex-secretary recounted all his nefarious schemes involving Barbara. Sophia tried not to smile as she recorded everything in detail.

Sophia leaned back in her chair. ” Thank you for coming forward and trusting me with this information,” she said sincerely. “I know it wasn’t easy for you, but by doing this, we can make a real difference.”

“I never thought I would find myself in a situation like this,” she admitted. ” But seeing how you handled everything, how you stood up for what’s right, it gave me hope.”

Sophia smiled warmly, her voice filled with encouragement. “We all have the power to make a difference.”

The woman took a deep breath. “You’re right,” she said. Sophia reached out and clasped the secretary’s hand, a gesture of support and solidarity. “And I promise you that we’ll protect your identity throughout this process.”

She nodded, gratitude filling her eyes. ” Thank you, Sophia.”

“By the way, what’s your name?” Sophia asked with a laugh, realizing that they hadn’t even formally introduced themselves.

“Mary,” she replied with a smile. With that Mary left and Sophia wasted no time. She decided that it was time to take her fight for justice to the wider public. She believed that by anonymously sharing the news with the media, she could shed light on the corruption and wrongdoing she had uncovered.

With careful consideration, Sophia crafted a detailed account of the events, ensuring that every piece of evidence was included. She wanted to provide a comprehensive picture of the truth, leaving no room for doubt.

Using encrypted channels and anonymous email accounts, Sophia sent the information to trusted journalists and media outlets. She knew that this step was crucial in exposing the truth and holding those responsible accountable for their actions.

Sophia had just finished drafting another email when she heard a knock on her office door. Glancing at the clock, she frowned. It wasn’t a time when she was expecting any visitors.

The door swung open, and Michael entered with a smile. Sophia stood up to greet him, a bit surprised by his unexpected appearance.

“I wasn’t anticipating company,” she remarked lightly, extending her hand in greeting. Michael smiled back at her, but instead of shaking her hand, he reached for her earlobe.

Her surprise turned to confusion as he ran a finger along her ear. “You’re not wearing the earring I gave you,” he pointed out.

She smiled nervously, feeling caught off guard. “Oh, yeah. I actually left them at home,” she quickly improvised with a lie. His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. ” Really?” he raised an eyebrow skeptically.

She took a step back, her nerves getting the best of her. “Yeah, you know, I didn’t want to risk losing them again.”

He chuckled, but there was an undertone of frustration in his laughter. “You know, Sophia, something very peculiar happened today.”


“Someone named Alexander sent this. to me earlier,” he revealed, producing the box containing the earrings he had given her.

Internally cursing Alexander, Sophia tried to come up with an explanation. She couldn’t tell Michael that Alexander had thrown the earrings in the trunk of his car.

“I’m sorry, Michael. It’s not what you think,” she tried to defuse the situation. His tone remained cool. “And what exactly do you think I should think, Sophia?”

“It’s just… Alexander being Alexander, “she replied, attempting to downplay the situation.

“So, he’s trying to meddle?” Sophia’s frustration with Alexander grew, but she remained composed. ” Michael, it’s not like that. I genuinely appreciate your gift.”

“Do you?” he asked pointedly. ” Because it seems to me that you don’t believe in my intentions or my gestures, “Michael said and hit the wall. This startled Sophia, but she tried not to show it. Michael had never acted like this in front of her.

She sighed, realizing this was spiraling in a direction she hadn’t intended. ” Michael, it’s not like that. I do appreciate what you’ve done for me. This is just a misunderstanding.”

He crossed his arms, his frustration evident. “I have a feeling I’m being played here. And I don’t appreciate it.”

“Michael, this isn’t about playing anyone. It’s just Alexander acting stupid.” “I know what’s going on. Alexander is trying to one-up me,” he declared.

“Michael, that’s nonsense. We’re not kids in a playground. I think you and Alexander need to sort out your personal issues without dragging me into it.”

“I can’t stand by while he makes a mockery out of my attempts to get closer to you,” he retorted.

Sophia let out a resigned sigh, realizing where this conversation was headed. ” Look, Michael, I have no ill feelings toward you, and I certainly didn’t mean to offend you. But I’m not interested in being caught up in any drama between you and Alexander.”

“I understand,” he replied, a touch of bitterness in his tone. “Let’s not let Alexander interfere with us.’

Sophia felt a wave of frustration wash over her. “Michael, there’s no ‘us.’ We’re friends, and that’s it.” “Let me take you out for a date, and maybe you’ll change your mind,” he suggested, stepping closer.

“I won’t go out on a date with you,” she declares firmly, meeting his gaze head- on. Seeing his expression darken slightly, she adds quickly, “But I can take you out to lunch, okay?”

“It’s just the beginning,” he says with a hint of playfulness as if hinting at some unspoken challenge.

Sophia couldn’t help but roll her eyes this time. While she wasn’t keen on participating in the half- brothers’ antics, she did owe him at least a lunch for the earring incident.

As they exited the building for the promised lunch, their steps coincided with Alexander’s unexpected appearance. Sophia’s heart skipped a beat, a twinge of guilt briefly washing over her. However, she swiftly gathered her composure and continued walking, following Michael in his car.

Without looking back, she entered the car and closed the door behind her. As Michael started the engine, Sophia glanced out the window and caught a glimpse of Alexander watching them from a distance. She turned her gaze away. She wondered why she cared so much.

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