A Night With My Boss

Chapter 32

Alex finished giving his report after two hours of long intensive interrogating by another set of policemen, they too gave him the same response the other officers gave saying they are going to be under the protection of the police until Skyler is caught.

“Right now that’s the best option, leave the rest for the law, don’t try to be a superhero” Said the officer.

“I’m just so worried about my pregnant wife,” Alex said anxiously.

“Technically she’s not your wife, you dismissed her as your lover on national television…. I mean we all watched it so what changed?” Asked another policeman, Alex could see the others in the station concurring as well to the question. There was no way he could avoid answering this one.

“My ex lied to me about my lover and I believed her fake stories but now that I know the truth I am willing to do anything for her after she forgave me and gave me another chance” Alex twisted the story for his own benefits, no need to tell them more than they need to know.

“You’re lucky she has a good heart if it was me or some women I know they would’ve rained insults on you the moment you try to apologise” A policewoman said from her desk which was kinda far from the conversation but she still chirped her opinion from across the room.

“Man you got a lover with a good heart, you better not hurt her again or else…… I’ll leave you with that” Another policewoman added

“I will make sure of that” Alex said, putting on an awkward smile to show he was embarrassed by all this type of attention but the officers were not letting up.

“You nosy women should stay out of this!! Mr Montero I would stop by your address to observe which location would be best to set up our surveillance hideout well before then it’s best to keep this from the public eye because it’s was a juicy story already without the attempted murder so if they hear about this the media would be all over your ass…. That’s exactly why Skyler needs a perfect cover for her to achieve her melancholic goals” The sergeant drank his coffee after his small speech leaving Alex to face the predators in the form of officers that want to hear the full story and the gossip policewoman at the front desk.

“Mr Montero, are you leaving now? How about that meal you promised me?” The fat policewoman at the front desk asked, she was the one for food.

“I’ll get you a surprise meal when next I visit the station Patricia I won’t forget I promise” Alex gave her one of his best dashing smiles as if to reassure her.

“No problem sir, have a nice day” She waved him farewell.

On his way back from the station Alex pondered about what Eva had told him earlier, ‘Skyler the killer’ He couldn’t believe his college sweetheart had become such a menace over a short period of time, to the point she even planted hidden cameras in the house… Who could have done that Alex wondered. He ran through a list of external outsiders who could be working for Skyler but he came up with nothing.

‘All those people are innocent, they can’t be working for Skyler’ Thought Alex. He turned the car to a fast food drive thru window to order food for himself and Petra as a compensation for coming home late, he planned not to tell her the bad news yet.

“Honey you’re back, how did your meeting go?” Petra asked Alex as he entered the house.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“It went well my dear, the board members loved the new innovations. Where’s Liam?”

“Oh I guess he must have called you then, he’s in the guest room go see him and I’ll have dinner ready in a minute”

“Don’t worry yourself pet I bought dinner for us, here go microwave the pie” Alex handed the polythene bags over to her.

“You came prepared,” Petra chuckled.

“It’s late and I don’t want to stress you out my love… Where’s Emily?” As soon as he said those words he heard laughter coming from the guest room, he looked at Petra questionly and she gave a sheepish smile.

“I’ll be in the guest room, let me know when you’re done microwaving dinner” Alex walked briskly into the guest room and he saw Emily laughing really hard on Liam’s lap with a glass of red wine in their hands.

“Oh hey Alex, what took you so long? I’ve been waiting for ages” Liam said slightly slurring in his speech, he was a little bit drunk and Emily was too.

“You wouldn’t miss me, you have a pretty dam to keep you company” Alex gestured at Emily sitting on Liam’s lap.

“Liam has been the one keeping me company, I haven’t done nothing but laugh all night” Emily laughed again as if to prove her point.

“Sorry to cut your fun short Em but me and Liam have some men talk to do, go help Petra with the dinner”

“Okay, let me know when you’re about to go so I can see you off Liam” She pecked his jawline before heading for the kitchen while humming a tune which sounded a lot like a Nicki Minaj song.

“I see she has a fancy for funny guys like you” Alex said after Emily was out of earshot.

“She was kinda lonely staying upstairs all by herself, other than Petra that is”

“Glad to see she’s having fun with you” Alex said, making Liam smile but it was short lived.

“How is Eva doing?” Liam asked solemnly, looking at Alex.

“The doctor said she lost a great deal of blood but she’s strong and she’ll be discharged soon we hope, did you tell Petra yet?”

“No no I didn’t, I kept it discreet….. So how did it happen?” Liam asked with his eyes shining.

“Skyler unexpectedly came back from her trip, she confessed to Eva that the trip was fake and she only travelled because she wanted to watch our moves from the hidden cameras she had someone plant in our house… ” Alex paused because of the look on Liam’s face and asked a lot of questions at once.

“Oh my gosh, do you think she’s watching us right now?” Liam whispered looking over his shoulder as if they were being watched right now.

“Calm down buddy, I don’t know yet but what’s important right now is finding who planted the cameras, I haven’t had a faintest clue on who it might be” Alex said furrowing his brow in thought.

“Hey, what about that maid that you said was acting suspicious one time… What’s her name now Clarion?”

“Her name is Clara, you might be right….. she was acting sus one time when we caught her trying to eavesdrop on our conversation… Speaking of which I haven’t seen her in a long time now” It’s all coming together now Clara had been the agent all along, acting like a background character in a movie she used her unimportance to hers and Skyler’s benefits, Nobody would have suspected her if only she hadn’t given them a reason not to be trusted.

“I will make further investigations but for now don’t let Petra know about any of these recent happenings, I will tell her Eva went for a wedding of an old friend in another state, Eva would have to lie as well because I’m sure she wouldn’t want her sister to worry about her during such times”

“I understand Alex with the pregnancy and all she might pass out if she hears her sister was almost murdered” Liam said understandably, as he finished his sentence Emily burst into the room with Petra following close behind.

“Dinner is set boys, Come let’s go eat Liam you look skinny” Emily said making everyone laugh, She exited the room dragging confused Liam by his wrist.

“She has a thing for him doesn’t she?” Alex asked Petra who was in his arms now.

“Yeah she does, ever since the revelation he’s the only thing she talks about and she thinks he came to visit because of her….. Why did he come anyways? it seemed like something urgent” Petra looked into Alex eyes making it harder to lie.

“Oh huh, well he….. uh wanted to hear the news about my meeting firsthand” He lied, she could see he wasn’t telling her something but she decided she would ask later.

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