A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 52 Chapter 49

Chapter 52 Chapter 49

Kavi's POV [Layla's POV]

I lovingly looked at the man who wasn't afraid to claim his place in front of all my people without any

hesitation. During dinner, Aadhira told Maayan that she would show his room when he finishes the

food. But he gave her a weird look and asked her, 'Why should I sleep in a separate room when a

gorgeous woman was waiting for me to embellish her bed?'

The whole hall turned to silence and my people were staring at him with wide eyes. They never heard

something like that and it reddened my cheek which warmed the place and they smiled widely

continuing the dinner. I should get used to this. His words were true though. The bed was idle in my

room as I rarely use it. But now I won't complain using it because, as he said he will be next to me

while I lie down there.

Love feels like a kind of hypnotization; addictive and blissful. My heartbeat rises every time we are

alone and the anticipation makes my blood boil with desire. He is a dream come true man for my life.

He could bring the best out of me and he is capable to bring the worst too. But I know his love will

always remain the same and it will always keep me on my toes.

I found him sitting on the bed but his distant and serious look made me understand he wanted to speak

to me about something. I sat next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle

squeeze. He let out a sigh and his ruby eyes met mine. As I expected, he started narrating what

happened back with his family.

"My parents had been hiding a big truth from me, Cupcake. All the people in my tribe believe that our

family was blessed with magical power as the reward for my father's prayer. But they weren't aware of

the Sun God's condition to choose. It was either 'only one child of the family could get the power with

healthy life' or 'every child will get the power but the powerful-first son will live only for 26 years'; 26

years because my father was of that age when he got the boon. I really don't know the logic behind

that. Back to the story, my father didn't want to risk the boon as a small accident might make me die at

an earlier age and his prayers would go in vain. So he had chosen to trade my lifespan for the powers

for my siblings. He was a great father no doubt and he feels guilty for doing that. He made us unique by

spending all his life praying to the Sun. I am not angry with him.

But he feels guilty. That's the reason they wanted me to get married soon which would help me to pass

on the bloodline. And he was upset when I cancelled the wedding. The woman who was arranged to

me knows the fact and that's why she withdrew from the wedding when she has the choice to get a

better life. But destiny has other plans to bring us together. Now the son who they had been worried for

short life is going to live for eternity. They were stunned when I said you are a Goddess. Who wouldn't?

I won't lie about their fears for me going far away from them. But they were relieved; particularly my

father was relieved from his guilt of staking my life.

But now I feel like using our love to extend my life. If you have doubt, you don't need to make me

immortal. Let me die and get purified. Take my soul and give me a form. Let's start our life then. That's

why it took me time to come back here. But I can't stay away from you. Now you have to make the


He admitted and looked at me for my reply. I smiled widely and circled my hand around his neck

sideways and leaned on his body.

"I have no doubts about our love. You didn't even know this matter until a few days back. You accepted

me as I am and I am going to do the same. But as you said, you have to go through the purification

before I grant you immortality. I am not the person to flex the rules. I would be lenient and playful in a

few matters. But my duty is never a question of compromise. And as much as it is true that I love you

more than anything in the world, it's also true that I respect my responsibilities. And Darling, you

haven't completely known me. No one had seen the dark side in me. I wish it remains the same until

the life of this solar system."

His eyes showed respect and pride when I sweetly warned him about me. It strangely thrilled me to

know he was thinking my darkness as his pride. I could never expect someone to do that as the curse

from Sun had really made most of the living being fear me which eventually turned into hatred. But here

he is admiring me for who I am and treating me like his fellow human making me feel very alive. I feel

blessed with this amazing human!

My chain of thoughts broke when his hand sneakily circled my waist and his body inched closer to me.

My mind alarmed my senses making my body tingle and my heart started pumping blood faster. My lips

curled up and I looked up at him. His eyes were warmly looking at me and caressed my cheek.

"Shall we sleep?"

He tightened his grip and leaned on the bed pulling me with him making us lie down side by side.

"I usually don't sleep, Maayan. I restore my energy through meditation. But I will accompany you. No

one in the realm needs to sleep but they do it to restore energy. We will be having routine work and

people take the shift to work and rest. After you change, you won't need to use the bed unless you

want to sleep."

I tucked the hair sticking in his face behind his ear and rubbed my cheek over his bicep that he

extended for me.

"Maybe… But don't worry. I will make sure we will be using this bed daily for another reason. You won't

complain about it, would you?"

My cheeks flushed with his teasing and I hit his chest playfully but my fingers stayed caressing his hard

and manly muscles. He sucked in a deep breath and I felt a shiver on his skin.

I paused midway when I felt a telepathic message in my head. I have a meeting with Sun and Moon

tomorrow. And I knew what they are going to discuss. I let out an exhausted sigh as I knew I need to

tolerate calmly whatever happens there for Maayan's sake. He sensed the shift in mood and looked at

me questioningly.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes! I have a meeting with Sun and Moon tomorrow."

I replied with a smile and his frown disappeared.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright, Cupcake."

He snuggled me closer to him and circled his hand protectively around me and pulled me to his chest. I

realized how much I need to hear it from someone and it made my love and respect for him to

increase. He doesn't care that I am a Goddess. He gives his love, support and cares unconditionally to

me. I have never been dependant but I can't imagine a life without him. He means everything to me. I

rested my forehead over his chest and muttered 'I love you, Maayan'. His soft snores were my reply

and it worked as a lullaby for me and I slept after a very long time.


I smirked at Moon to see him already present at the Meeting chamber. I decided to go early to meet

Sun privately to see what he thinks about me planning to get into a relationship. But he was already

here; which is a warning sign to me that Sun would have been painted with the ideas of this wicked

dust ball. Aadhavan takes a decision after thinking well. So I believe he would understand my view. We

exchanged our greeting and Sun looked at me with amusement in his eyes. That's a good sign but this

fireball will change his every within seconds.

"Layla, we heard that you have brought a human to your realm and the Goddess of darkness have

fallen in love with that human."

Sun came to the point directly and paused to see my reaction with an excited smile. I nodded my head

with a smile from just hearing about my enticing wizard.

"Well… That's great to hear. We are so happy for you. Just be cautious before doing anything. I

thought you would let us know about him before bringing him directly to your realm. But that's okay. We

respect your privacy. Let us know if you need anything."

I was partially happy that they acknowledge my love life and respect my decision. But I felt something

was off. I looked at Chandran who has a victorious smirk for which I don't know the reason.

"Yes, Layla. We will support your decision as long as it doesn't affect anything in the solar system."

I smiled at his sweet infusion of the warning.

"Thank you Aadhavan and Chandran. I know what I am doing and I will make sure nothing happens to

the living being in the earth. "

I smiled widely expressing my genuine happiness to them.

Then we discussed the solar system for a few minutes. Chandran left earlier after the meeting.

Aadhavan offered me to come to his Garden. All the creatures from past and present were roaming

peacefully in his garden. I admired the beauty and walked to his side.

"I know Maayan very well. After all, he was born with my blessing. He is a good-hearted human and a

powerful wizard. I have seen you with him on the earth. And the look and smile on your face when you

are with him, made me understand how your souls feel close to each other. I don't know why our

creator wasn't meeting us. I will be relieved if she gives her opinion about your relationship. I wasn't

meaning that you shouldn't be in a relationship. But as divines, what we do will affect all the things

depend on us. That's why I am a bit worried, Layla."

I feel the same but I too don't have an answer for his doubt.

"Let's see. If my relationship would bring any harm, she would have warned us. I think she is busy with

something else. She knows everything and I believe in her."

He nodded his head in agreement and we chatted for a few more minutes before I leave to meet my



He was hugging me tightly and looked down at the depth with a gasp. He looks so cute even when he

was in fear. With an adoring smile, I tilted to my left taking him along with me to fall. I pressed a kiss to

his lips and snapped my finger to make changes to his body. Our body hit the water with a splash and

we drowned for a few more meters with the pressure of the height we had fallen from. The chillness of

the ocean gracefully hugged our bodies. I kissed him again giving him the power to see in darkness

and to communicate like we do on the surface of the earth. He looked amazed and his mind was in


"Wonderful, Isn't it?"

He turned sharply towards me startled at my voice in the water. I brought him to the highest cliff and

jumped from there. We are in the middle of the ocean and nothing other than water is around us except

the Rocky cliff we jumped from.

"You can also speak, Darling." NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

"Wow! Usually, people get amazed by the magical things I do. But you never fail to amaze me,


I smiled and started moving around in the water and he followed my action. We moved along and I

showed him the different and unique creatures the ocean had habituated. A herd of sea horses swam

across us in uniform rows like a welcome parade. I took him deeper and the pressure of the water

could be felt in our skin but we are adaptable to go deeper. I showed him some rare plants which would

be useful to brew potions.

"Cupcake, I want to ask you one thing. Can I take the purification process while I was still human? I

mean purifying my body along with the soul so I could remain in the same form."

"I can bring you back in the same form you are, Darling. Your body will go as dust before your souls go

into the Purification pit. But if you want to turn immortal while you are in human form, I can do that. Your

body won't take the hard purification. Leave that to me, I will find a way to clear the taint off your soul

and body."

"Okay, Cupcake. I think we can use the time to play a small game?"

He asked me while forming an air bubble with the help of his wand. He pushed that towards me and it

blasted near my neck creating tingles on my skin. I chuckled and snapped my fingers creating

hundreds of air bubbles behind me and it started hitting him one by one without giving a gap for him

perform any magic. When half of them had crashed over him, I could feel he was getting frustrated and

he closed his eyes and focused his mind. To my surprise, all the bubbles burst at a time and he opened

his eyes with a victorious smile which turned into a fake glare. He moved quickly toward me and I took

that as a cue and moved faster than him.

He chased me for a few minutes and suddenly I couldn't hear any sound of him coming behind me. I

looked around for any sign of him but nothing could be seen. I moved in the water towards the way I

have come and spotted him covered by a pod of pink adult dolphins. They might have liked him as they

were asking for him to caress them and rubbing against him. He was laughing beautifully and patting

the heads of the pink beauties. The dolphins sensed me and the smart creatures bowed at me. I smiled

and touched them and looked at the man adoring me. They asked me to give them an opportunity to

take us on a ride. I never denied the offerings of innocent creatures. They do this out of love and

devotion without expecting anything in the back.

"They want us to take a ride with them, Darling. Hop on the back of that dolphin."

I pointed at a couple of dolphins straightened to make us sit on their back.

"Was it necessary? Won't they get hurt if we put our weight on their back?"

My heart warmed at his care for the other living being. Humans got used to the thought that they were

inferior to animals. But they were just being polite and forgiving the humans despite their strength.

"These are adult dolphins and they have the power to carry us. Don't underestimate them and also our

body won't weigh equally heavy as we weigh on the land. So get on him without worrying."

The pod started to move, letting the two dolphins carrying us to take lead. Maayan was in awe as we

feel like flying in the water.

They took us near a whirlpool and happily whistled while taking a few rotations along with the swirl.

Then they swam through a few places and showed off proudly to their friends that they were blessed

with a chance to have my time. They dropped me at the same place where we hopped on them and left

the place after taking my blessings.

"I feel like I have entered a new world, Cupcake. I would never have experienced these amazing things

if I haven't met you. Thank you, Cupcake. As a Goddess, you take care of everyone. But let me take

care of you. You are the greatest blessing in my life. And I want to live a life like no one had lived by

showering with love and care. I love you so much, Layla."

The trueness of his words was reflected by in his eyes. My eyes teared up automatically and a purple

lotus formed from the water diluted with that. He came near me held me closer to him and started

kissing my lips softly. I kissed him back not knowing how I lived all these years without him. The

softness in his kiss shows his care for me and his need to prove his words. I pulled away from him and

looked into his eyes.

"Maayan, this is my promise to you. Our souls will be connected for eternity. We will share our

emotions and feelings; physically, mentally and spiritually. I will never leave you unless you wanted me

to. My trust for you will never fade and my love for you will grow every day. I promise to protect you with

all my might. If the destiny decides to play in our life, just believe in me and I will come for you even if

you are in another universe. For our love, I will go to any extent and will not hesitate to destroy anything

that comes in our way. I promise you, Darling."

I pressed my lips on his and sealed my promise with the kiss. And I will never break this promise. I am

going to grant him immortality soon and make him mine forever.

[To be continued...]

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