A Mysterious She-wolf

Chapter 28 Chapter 25

Chapter 28 Chapter 25

Kavi's POV

I have spent the morning with Akhilan's wolf. And I really enjoyed it. He was so romantic. My wolf was

so happy for the time we spent together yet that greedy bitch wants more.

I went to college and came back home. One more year to finish this tiresome college. It wasn't

physically tiring but mentally exhausting.

I drove to packhouse to see Sezhiyan talking about my transfer but I found my mate was laughing and

chasing Pooja. A bitter feel crept to me and I returned home without meeting Sezhiyan. When I

reached home, I found a bouquet of red roses with a card telling me to be ready at six in the evening

with Akhilan's name at the bottom. My mom was home and she was smiling mischievously at me. I put

them in a vase and I knew I should go for the sake of the promise I made to mom. I knew I was

behaving very mean to him. But I can't erase the memories of seeing him with Pooja. It was haunting

me. How can I know that he really didn't have any feeling for her? Even yesterday afternoon, he said

that he should have married her for the happiness of his parents.

I called Kalai and spoke with her for a few minutes and told her that my mate had found me. She didn't

seem to notice the way I meant it and she expressed her happiness and wished to me. We hung up

after a few minutes. Then I worked on a few ad designs and sent them to the respective agencies. The

time was around five when I received a call from Mukilan. He said that he was calling me to remind me

about my date with Akhilan. I rolled my eyes at how much he was doing for his friend's date. I told him

that I remember about the date and hung up the call.

I took a quick shower and walked out to find my mom riding my closet. She pulled a few dresses which

I kept at last because they weren't my style. It was either tight or exposing more than required. She

made me sit down and announced herself as my designer for the day. I denied to cake up my face with

layers of creams and powders. But she didn't let me select a dress. I had initially planned to wear black

with sky blue floral dress which was much comfortable to wear.

But she made me wear an off-shoulder dark purple dress which ended just above my knee. She found

it was complimenting my eye colour. I will never forgive her if my zipper burst out when I leaned back

comfortably because it was so tight. But she taught me how to handle that and I almost lost my

patience with that mountain high silver coloured heel she gave me. She locked my other shoes and

flats. So I have no other choice but to wear it. I just let her apply some eyeliner and lipgloss. My wolf

was smirking at my bold outfit and I knew if she had a chance to get control tonight, she will ensure that

I was marked and mated to him by tomorrow morning. She was very desperate to get him into our bed.

I too like to be marked and mated to him but I need some time to grow trust over him.

My mom was happy with the final output and she snapped a few pics of mine to ask suggestion with

Inba aunt and Luna Mithra. I facepalmed at the childish behaviour of my mom. My heart skipped a beat

on hearing the car honk. My mom jumped and started checking me once again and ran to answer the

door like her longtime crush had come to pick her up for a date. She hugged Akhilan and I could tell

that they have grown closer when he came to drop the flowers earlier this morning. I only saw him fully

when my mom moved away from his front.

He looks so hot in his white full hand shirt with his sleeves folded paired with a black pant. My wolf was

gulping the intoxicating smell of our mate while eye-raping him. A wave of goosebump ran through me

when he licked his lips taking in my appearance. His aura of lust and satisfaction told me that he likes

my outfit. I was getting nervous about what was waiting for me at the shore. He spoke with my mom for This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

the next few minutes. And I realised he knew his way to charm my mom. She stood at the door to

remind me of my promise before I leave.

He was equally nervous about this date as I found him stumbling to insert his key and he was asking

whether I was comfortable often while driving to the destination. Eventually, we fell into silence which

was rather comfortable. I found we are taking the road to Beach and I could guess he was taking me to

the restaurant on the beach. I will go to that restaurant whenever I go to the beach because they give a

delicious variety of foods.

As I guessed he parked the car near that restaurant and helped me to get out. When I took my first

step, I lost my balance and held his forearm to stand properly. Tingles erupted from my palm and he

was holding both my hand to sturdy me which was making my blood flow hot. I feel foreign to walk on

this stool and it was very uncomfortable. Akhilan got worried even after I ensured him that I was okay.

He didn't let go of my hand and walked with me looking straight but a smile adorning his face was

making him look so handsome. It feels too much but I like his care for me. He had already reserved the

beachside table and I love the view.

"I knew we are always on the wrong foot. Why can't we leave everything in past and start anew? Like

other mates who had met each other without any history. Let's get to know about each other like

strangers and try to live like normal mates. What do you say, Wolfie?"

I looked at his eyes for a minute contemplating what he had just said.

Does he really like me?

Then what is his relationship with Pooja?

I shouldn't jump to conclusions but he let her sink her teeth in his skin. What if she marked him

instead? He should have been more cautious and he should certainly maintain some distance from that

she-wolf. She looks at him like a piece of meat. I just hate her. I noticed him waiting for my response so

I nodded my head.

"Great. I hope introducing each other would be too much. So let's don't talk about anything from the

past. Do you have any expectations for your mate? Like how I should be?"

He asked eagerly. I smiled at him and sipped on the juice to take a few seconds to give my answer.

"As we agreed, I am not speaking about my past. But my past made me fear of even the word

'MATES'. So I didn't have much expectation. I want him to be genuine. I want him to be honest with

whatever he does. I am so tired of fake people. But time will only answer my question. What about

you? What are your expectations you had for your mate?"

I replied with a normal voice.

"Umm... In the beginning, I had a few demands of my mate's character but eventually, my waiting game

broke those demands. But after meeting you again, I can't think about anyone else.

And I could meet your expectations. I will not be one of the fake people you met."

He said cheerfully. But I have already one incident where you proved me wrong, my dear mate! I gave

him a fake smile.

We spoke about our professions and hobbies. And he had most of interests like teddy which was

similar to mine. I eventually started feeling comfortable with his presence. After all, he is my mate. Our

dinner went better than I expected but the only thing that disturbed me is my fucking heels. We decided

to go for a walk on this dark beach. He intertwined his finger with mine making a small purr slip out of

me. My wolf was adoring him and commenting about his every action inside my head from the

beginning of this date.

When I stumbled for the fourth time in the walk, he let go of my hand and knelt to remove my heel. I

was startled at first when he touched my feet. I reflexively held his shoulder and joined my thighs.

Males would usually hesitate to touch their mates' feet as it was a question of dominance. But he

smiled at me while removing the heels and slightly rubbed my feet on seeing red marks. By touching

my feet without any hesitation to bring comfort to me, he showed his dedication to our relationship and

he made me feel equal. My wolf was pretty impressed. I let my feet touch the fine sand and walked

loving the feel of blending with nature. I took my heels from him and he again held my hand and we

resumed our walk in silence. He looked so sincere about our relationship but the doubts and fear were

still there in my heart but not much as I had before the date. Maybe I could grow to trust him.

After some time we decided to go back. I don't know how his mother was dealing with our relationship

but I knew she wasn't happy with him spending time with me. But I could feel the mate bond growing

stronger with the more time we are spending together. We drove back and he stopped in front of my

home and opened the door for me again. His aura was radiating nervousness but also a deep desire.

"Thank you, Akhilan. I had a great evening."

I genuinely told him. He smiled charmingly. His smile has an indefinable effect on me. I was having a

distant look and thinking about us but failed to notice him leaning forward.

His hands circled my waist and I came back to my senses but my senses blinded when his lips pressed

on mine. His other hand was cupping the side of my head and stroking my cheek softly with his thumb.

As the magical creatures, we do have these wonderful effects for magical moments like this. I couldn't

think rationally as he started moving his lips and my body was heating up and my brain was producing

more dopamine and oxytocin making my core get wet. All the neurons in my brain were dancing in


His lips tasted so sweet and soft between my lips. And I don't want this moment to end. I put my hand

around his neck and pulled him closer to me giving in to the desire.

My heartbeat calmed down and I could listen to our synchronized beats. It was like my fears and

doubts were disappeared when his lip made contact with mine. My feelings were on haywire! It felt like

a caged up love of eternity has found its way back home. A gush of loud wind made our embrace get

tight. Loud lighting struck as if wanting to remind us to let our poor lungs refill the oxygen. Nature

seems to react to witness our romance.

He slowly pulled away and looked at my eyes. I smiled at him not regretting what I did. He smiled and

bent to capture my lips once again. We moaned at this wonderful sensation and bond was so active

and alive with our physical contacts. My hands were now locked across his torso and I lost in the bliss

once again. If I didn't count my baby kisses, this rascal has stolen my first kiss now. But I know this

wasn't his first. That thought raged my wolf as she growled and she came to surface and pulled him

closer if that's even possible. He didn't complain but held me tightly.

We pulled away when we no more had oxygen to burn and I placed my head on his shoulder. He has a

tall figure but I was just an inch or two lesser than him. He buried his face onto my neck and took a few

deep breaths. I never have known my wolf feeling so happy like this moment.

In life, everyone will have a few moments where they want to lose forever and I was in the middle of

one of them. He pulled away and cupped my cheeks and pecked my nose. I smiled at him.

"I don't want to leave you, my mate."

He said rubbing his nose on mine still standing close to me. His aura was radiating so much love that

was making me question my insecurities. A person can't fake his aura.

"Then don't!"

I whispered. He quickly studied my face for a few seconds in surprise for this sudden change in my


"I wish I could! But I can't, wolfie. Not yet. I should make sure you are comfortable when you come to

my home. We may live in pack house but I can't live happily when my mother wasn't happy. For that, I

have a few things to do. But don't worry we will be together in a few days."

I nodded my head and buried my face on his shoulder and inhaled his scent deeply.

The raw desire for him was budding inside me and it was growing like it was on steroids. With a last

peck on my lip, he got into his car and drove away. I saw him looking at me through the side mirror and

stood there till his car disappear from my vision. I felt a part of me leaving with him.

I went inside and found my mom sitting on the sofa and reading a book but her lips were trying to hide

a smile and her face was pink. I went to her and found she was holding the book upside down. I

smirked and changed the book direction and raised an eyebrow at her. Her blush made my eyes go

wide. She must have seen us kissing.

"Mom, never spy on us again."

I said in a whine and sat next to her. She started laughing and stroked my head lovingly.

"I was just curious, Kavi. But I am so happy that you two are getting along very well. I don't have to

worry about you anymore."

She sighed happily.

She asked about how was my date and I told her the details in short. Then we went to sleep. At the

middle of the night, I woke and went to her room and found her sound asleep. I wonder why she didn't

wake up yet. I am not complaining. Maybe the visit to her mate and the fact I have found my mate

might have relieved her from her unwanted tension. I woke up as usual and found that I fell asleep on

the couch in mom's room. I went back to my room and freshened up and got ready for training.

When I opened the door, I smelled a faint smell of my mate. A smile crept on my face and I looked

around in the hope of finding him. But he was nowhere to be seen. I locked the door and turned around

but found a single red rose at the top stair of the porch. I picked it up with a dreamy smile. I went inside

to keep the flower safely and started walking my way to the training field.

Before I could enter the woods, I was startled when my mate decided to jump from a tree trying to

scare me which he did successfully. But my reflexes kicked in and I punched him hard across his face.

I heard a crack and he cupped his jaw and hissed in pain. As soon as my hand made contact with his

skin, I knew it was him and reduced my speed of that punch. But I have used my wolf power which

might have done the damage. Instantly I connected to his heartbeat and healed his bone completely.

He gasped but held his jaw and looked at me accusingly but his eyes held a hint of playfulness. I hid

my smirk and looked at him with concern and asked him how he was feeling. He rubbed his jaw and

looked at me with innocent baby eyes.

"Don't you know the pain will reduce if you kiss the sore spot?"

He spoke in a funny voice but I got his intentions and decided to play along.

I slowly leaned forward and pressed my lip near his ear and started tracing it down to his chin. His

hands circled around me and held me firmly. My wolf was purring and enjoying the tingles erupting from

his touch. I pulled away and looked at him with a questioning look.

"How do you feel now, Akhilan?"

I asked with an innocent face.

"Umm... it was okay. But it still pains here."

He pointed at the corner of his lips. Without any other question, I leaned forward but bit there hard. He

yelped and pressed my hips harder. I laughed and looked at him who was now rubbing his cheek in

real pain.

"Now it was better!"

I stated looking at a small teeth mark there and pulled away from his grip. I smirked and started


We werewolves love chasing. With a growl, my mate started chasing me. I let my wolf stay on the

surface to enjoy this game, I sped up when I found him using his wolf speed. Suddenly I couldn't feel

his presence behind me. I sensed for auras and found him coming from my left and I prepared myself

to jump on time before he leaps towards me. I successfully escaped his catch. I laughed out loud when

he landed harshly on the ground and I led him all the way to the beach. I paused near the water and

waited for him.

"You are cheating! You have Alpha blood in you."

He panted and pulled me towards him. I smiled and found my bite on his cheek still there without fading

off and grinned big at him. I healed it not wanting others to tease me. But it looked so hot on him. My

wolf urged me to mark him but I blocked her and looked at him. His hair was dishevelled from our little

chase and the sweat made the t-shirt stick to him like a second skin. My fingers itched to touch him.

God! My bond is getting best of me. I should control myself. I hope I hadn't chosen the wrong decision

by giving him a chance.

We ran back to the training field and as I expected everyone's eyes were on us. Yeah! My life is

changing quicker than the weather. Mithun gave me a big smile when he saw us coming with

intertwined fingers. Sezhiyan mind linked me a 'Finally' sarcastically. Akhilan trained with his friend and

I went to train with my uncle and Logan as always. Because I know we won't be training if we are

paired up for a fight now.

[To be continued...]

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