The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

Chapter 38

Flair POV

By the time dinner was finished, I was pleasantly relaxed, enough so that I placed my head on Grayson's chest, my face turned towards the window as I looked at the scenery passing by, my eyes fluttering slowly closed, listening to the sound of his heartbeat until I couldn't help but lightly doze. He felt comfortable. I felt his arms gently wrap around me, even in my sleepy state and when the limousine stopped, he was careful to climb out of the limo, holding me tightly to his chest, instead of shaking me awake, like Johnathon was more prone to do. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, my body relaxing against him. I nuzzled my head against his chin and heard him give a low chuckle. His steps were slow and careful, as he made his way upstairs, his grip on me strong as he carried me with relative ease. I heard the sound of the bedroom door slowly creaking open, the soft padding of his footsteps across the room, and then felt my body being gently lowered onto the bed as I yawned, unable to resist the softness of the mattress and the feel of the sheets beneath me.

He pulled my shoes off. I heard more noises as he undressed himself and then I felt the bed dip as he climbed in beside me. His arm went over the side of my body and he pulled me close. Warm, he was so warm. His grip this time was surprisingly tender. He placed a kiss on the back of my head, as I murmured sleepily, and then settled against me. "Sleep" he murmured, as my back snuggled against his chest and our legs intertwined "Gorgeous lady" he added softly.

I surrendered. The morning light woke me, shining softly into the bedroom. I yawned, feeling Grayson's body pressed against me, his arm still holding me over the side. I felt slightly embarrassed. Had we slept like that all night? But it was nice, I had to admit. Unusual. Johnathon had never been that affectionate. He claimed that it was too hot to cuddle each other. I turned over on my side and studied Grayson's face, his eyes softly crinkled, his breathing soft and even. He wore a pair of boxer shorts and despite myself, my eyes dipped as I took in the perfection of his abdomen and six-pack. He worked out, hard, from the looks of it. I swallowed hard, fighting the urge to touch him, as I tried to wriggle out from underneath his hold. I must have disturbed him though, because his eyes shot open and he gave a grin.

"Good morning" he chirped, sitting up and running a hand through his disheveled hair "I slept like a log" he added cheerfully.

He was one of those annoying morning people who woke up happy, I concluded grumpily, whereas I needed caffeine to function. His eyes twinkled as he stood up and I tried not to gasp as I took in how gorgeous he looked. I blushed.

"I need coffee" I murmured, standing up and noticing that I was still clad in my dress from the night before.

He smirked "Not a morning person? I thought all you yoga-loving people enjoyed early mornings" he commented with amusement.

I scowled "We do, once we've had our hands on a cup of coffee" I quipped.

He laughed "You're adorable," he said "how about we shower together?" he added as I stared at him mutely. Shower together? Was he joking? I opened my mouth to refuse but then eyed his body longingly. It was hard to say no to that. Especially after the lovemaking we had done. I could feel my mouth going dry. To access the complete chapters for free, visit J o b It would be another relatively new experience. What harm could it do? Part of me was feeling adventurous and a little reckless. My husband was observing me, his lips twisted in a grin, a hopeful sparkle in his eyes. Part of me didn't want to disappoint him, but if I was honest another part of me didn't want to miss out on this opportunity, even if I was feeling like I would murder somebody for coffee. Something told me a shower with a gorgeous man like Grayson might just be the wakeup that I needed.

I hesitated. Grayson smirked "Didn't you ever shower with Johanthon?" he said with a shrug, beginning to head towards the bathroom with an air of nonchalance. My answer stopped him in his tracks. "No."

He halted. Stopped. Turned back to me and raised a brow. "Never?" he asked suspiciously "not once in the three years you were married?" he sounded incredulous.

I blushed. The way Grayson asked questions and spoke, I was beginning to feel as though my marriage to Johnathon was not the typical one that most had. That perhaps it was different and not in a good way.

"Not once" I whispered, avoiding his gaze "Johnathon didn't want to be disturbed while he showered. Said it made him moody' I added quietly.

Grayson frowned. I blushed even deeper. "I need the bathroom," I said quickly and he motioned for me to step inside, still frowning. I was quick to do my business, wash my hands, and reopen the door. He stepped in and shut the door. I heard the sound of the shower running and assumed that our discussion was over. I sighed. Maybe it was for the best. I was sure that Grayson had to get to work and I didn't want to cause him to be late. But another part of me was disappointed, which shocked me. When had I become this wanton?

The door to the bathroom opened. Grayson poked his head back out, his eyes narrowed.

"Flair," he said calmly "Would you give me a hand with something?"

I was puzzled but nodded, walking into the bathroom. Grayson shut the door and turned to me. He was wearing a towel and had wrapped it around his waist. Without ceremony he pulled it off, exposing himself, and put the towel back on the rack.

"I think I could use some help washing myself," he said coolly, his eyes observing me "and your assistance would be appreciated."

Was he testing me? My eyes drifted up to look at him. There was a patient look on his face. He wasn't pressuring me. He wasn't demanding I do this. He was allowing me to decide what it was I wanted. I bit my lip.

"I'll get wet" I protested weakly, feeling stupid as I said it.

He gave a chuckle "then I suppose that you might need to take your clothes off so they don't get ruined" he deadpanned. His hand reached out and cupped my face "Don't overthink this. I want to look at you, that magnificent body of yours, and touch it" he said with a low growl "you're my wife and I have no intention of treating you anything like your ex-husband did. I do things my own way. If you don't want to do this, I won't make you. But this experience is something that's sure to leave you more than awake" he warned


Screw it, I thought a bit dazedly. His touch was already causing my body to heat up. He kissed me on the lips and I was a goner. His lips were demanding and dominant, leaving me gasping for air as he pulled back. I craved more. His eyes glinted as I slowly began to pull my dress up over my head. He stepped in to help, throwing the dress carelessly into the hamper provided. He glanced at my lace panties and bra with approval, his hand skimming over my b****t and causing me to shiver. "Stunning" he breathed "turn around" he demanded.

I turned, showing my back to him. I felt his hands on both my shoulders, lifting my hair out of the way, before his lips were kissing and sucking on the nape of my neck and causing me to give a guttural moan. He rubbed my shoulders with his hands and then they slid slowly down, while he continued to kiss me, one hand deftly going to the clasp of my bra and undoing it. He paused his kissing to slowly peel my bra away, flinging it in the hamper and then reaching around to cup my breasts with his hands while he began to nibble on my earlobe, tingles running through my body as my legs began to quiver from the delicious sensations as he explored and touched me.

"You're so perfect" he muttered, his hand sliding slowly down my stomach, my back still turned to him, before pausing at the front of my panties while I sucked in a breath. His other hand skimmed down and stopped at the top, before he hooked his fingers underneath and began to pull them slowly down, sliding them down my legs and I kicked them off. He knelt down and kissed my buttock, his hand squeezing and massaging it as I struggled to stand, my core beginning to throb with need. Grayson turned me around and I stood there, while he began to stand back upright, his gaze raking over me, while I felt exposed and vulnerable. I was naked and I fought the urge to cover myself, and my breasts as he gazed at me with an expression that was full of lust and desire. He wanted me. I could sense it and I could feel it.

His eyes began to glitter. The shower was huge, and could easily fit several people in there. Grayson opened the glass door and took my hand, slowly leading me inside, where I felt the warmth of the water begin to cascade over me. A slow grin spread over his face. He reached for a washcloth and spread body wash over it, his eyes on me the whole time, anticipation on his face. He held the washcloth out to me. I took it with tentative hands.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

"Wash me wife" he growled, gesturing to himself "I'm at your mercy" he added mischievously as I stood there, wondering where I should start, while his hard-on pointed directly at me. It was now or never. What was my next move going to be?

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